Talk:Civilian Inmate Labor Program

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I've removed the "persons duly tried and convicted in a court of law" addendum to the opening paragraph, for it is not true. The Federal Bureau of Prisons also controls remand inmates.-- 00:58, 7 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

Part of the Conspiracy Theorists Canon Now

Read about this on blogs. The Hard Core "Jewish/David Rockefeller/Illuminati" conspiracy theorists claim that this is part of a "series of concentration camps" that will house American dissidents when "martial law is declared". Links to Cheney, AIPAC, Jesuits, UFOs, and David Ickes Royal Family Reptilians soon afterwards.--, 13:31, 4 April 2007

Recall that a conspiracy is simply when two or more people take part in a plan which involves doing something improper to others (of which plan may or may not be kept secret, i.e., secrecy is not a necessary component for actions to be a conspiracy). The mere fact that governments set for themselves double-standards is alone quite enough to logically demonstrate that governments themselves consider their own actions improper (i.e., if their same actions which they do to others were to be done to them). Thus, the conclusion that government itself is the largest corporeal conspiracy to ever exist or that could ever exist is logically unavoidable.
The most prolific promulgators of conspiracy theories are governments, with the U.S. government leading the pack. Since obviously more than one person was involved in planning the 9/11 attacks, then by definition the U.S. government's mendacious, self-serving, anti-historical, anti-physical law, anti-factual and provably false official fairy tale is a conspiracy theory, as the U.S. government is putting forth a theory concerning the 9/11 attacks which involves a conspiracy.
Furthermore, conspiracies are ubiquitous (witness all the laws on the books against conspiracy, and how many people are routinely charged under said laws), and the most egregious perpetrators of murderously brutal conspiracies are governments upon their own innocent citizens. More than six times the amount of noncombatants have been systematically murdered for purely ideological reasons by their own governments within the past century than were killed in that same time-span from wars. From 1900 to 1923, various Turkish regimes murdered from 3.5 million to over 4.3 million of its own Armenians, Greeks, Nestorians, and other Christians. The Soviet government murdered over 61 million of its own noncombatant subjects. The communist Chinese government murdered over 76 million of it own subjects. The National Socialist German government murdered some 16 million of it own subjects. And that's only a sampling of governments mass-murdering their own noncombatant subjects within the past century. (The preceding figures are from Prof. Rudolph Joseph Rummel's University of Hawaii website.)
All totaled, neither the private-sector crime which government is largely responsible for promoting and causing or even the wars committed by governments upon the subjects of other governments come anywhere close to the crimes government is directly responsible for committing against its own citizens--certainly not in amount of numbers. Without a doubt, the most dangerous presence to ever exist throughout history has always been the people's very own government. (This is also historically true for the U.S. government, as no group has killed more U.S. citizens than the U.S. government. Viz., the Civil War; etc.)
Not only were all of these government mass-slaughters conspiracies--massive conspiracies, at that--but they were conspiracies of which the 9/11 attacks are quite piddling by comparison.
Moreover, terrorism is the health of the state (indeed, government is itself a logical subset of terrorism, since it uses initiatory violence and the threat thereof in order to maintain its existence and achieve its political agenda; and the word terrorism originally referred exclusively to government actions: i.e., the Reign of Terror in France against critics of the state, which was done according to the law--and later on the word terrorism was used to refer to other governments), which is why so many governments throughout history have manufactured duplicitous terrorism in which to serve as a pretext in order to usurp ever more power and control.-- (talk) 05:08, 1 October 2009 (UTC)[reply]
Bla blab bla. Don't your fingers hurt after all that typing? You forgot Hitler, who killed because of his conspiracy theories. Also the US in Vietnam because of Cold War hysteria and Stalin because of his paranoia. Governments don't kill people, people do - because they listen to their governments. They need people like you to believe they're surrounded by secret enemies. Muslim extremists attacked the twin towers because they literally think Christianity has never given up on the Crusades. You apparently think it was "duplicitously manufactured" by the US government. Maybe Ickes' alien reptiles conned both sides to get everybody to kill each other. Maybe they conned you. It's a fact that conspiracy theories paralyze organized opposition by making people frantically type blogs. Save your fingers and bile and do some constructive research into this.
Civilian inmate labor is a serious question that needs serious research. Almost all sources on the Internet are either Marxist or paranoid anti-Americans. Some questions that would help this article:
* Which prison facilities are involved?
* What products are being made for state and local governments?
* What products are being made for the US military?
* How many inmates are involved?
* How many hours do they work and under what conditions?
* How much profit is being made by which private companies?
* How many unemployed workers could be put to work by doing this work voluntarily?

where are they?

I'm afraid my high school may be a future work camp. It clearly resembles a jail/prison. 2 stories, with wrap-around structure, with an "open courtyard" in the middle, all windows are barred/secured in some way.

This article needs to be expanded on. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 18:59, 28 January 2010 (UTC)[reply]