Talk:Boxer Stele Fragment from Kerameikos

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- You don't need to put footnotes at commas or semicolons. It's a logical practice that the Germans do, so naturally the rest of the world resists it. If you want to make it easier to determine sources you can break up the sentences.

- Your piece has a good sense of the big picture takeaway on the piece, but might benefit from more detail.

- Breaking the article it up into several pieces (ie. physical description, dating, ect. It might help with figuring out what to flesh out.

- It also might be possible to expand the article by appealing to the greater context of the piece ie. similar artifacts, details of the find, archaeological context of the find, or overall trends in sculpture that this piece ties into. I know it can be a bit of a fine line to walk with the original research policy of WIkipedia, whoever.

You've got a good source list, but make sure you've hit all the basics with Buliean searches. (Boxer + Keameikos + Stele) on JSTOR, Muse, L'anne, Anthropology+, ect. If you've already done that, then just disregard this comment.

- Maybe see if you can find any discussion of this piece with other early individualized athlete depictions, that might help you find more.

Comments from Prof. Paga

Hi Daniel - this is a good start. Your peer-reviewer left some very good suggestions, and here are a few of my own comments to help improve your article:

  • Add hyperlinks to other Wikipedia articles
  • Add another section or two to provide more context for your piece. As currently written, this will be flagged as a "stub" article by Wikipedia, meaning an incomplete article. Perhaps add a section on boxing in ancient Greece, other depictions of boxers, or a comparison (for example, compare with the famous Terme Boxer statue - it's on the front of our textbook).
  • It might also be helpful to get in touch with a classmate, Gabriella Lewis, who is writing about the boxer fresco from the Minoan period. You can share resources and perhaps link to each others' articles.

Jpaga (talk) 16:20, 21 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]

In addition to the suggestions from your peer reviewer and Professor Paga, you could talk a bit about stele and other stele with athletic depictions as well. You could also possibly add more about the discovery and context of the object. Hopefully these give you a few more ideas for things to add. Kaylauer520 (talk) 05:55, 26 November 2017 (UTC)[reply]