Talk:Association of European Rarities Committees

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Splitting headaches? Recent taxonomic changes affecting the British and Western Palearctic lists British Birds 99:6, 306-323

Minutes of 3rd Conference of European Rarities Committees British Birds 89:2, 51-53

The British Birds Rarities Committee: a review of its history, publications and procedures British Birds 100:3, 149-179

Minutes of the 5th Conference of European Rarities Committees British Birds 93:2, 86-88

The taxonomic status of Green-winged Teal Anas carolinensis British Birds 94:5, 218-226

Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2002 British Birds 96:11, 542-609

Report on rare birds in Great Britain in 2006 British Birds 100:12, 694-754

'European news' becomes 'The European bird report' British Birds 93:2, 58

A review of the status and identification of American Wigeon in Britain & Ireland British Birds 96:1, 2-22

A review of the 1950–57 British rarities British Birds 99:9, 460-464

News and comment British Birds 93:9, 462-465

News and comment British Birds 87:1, 44-50

Letters British Birds 93:3, 149-150

Second conference of European rarities committee British Birds 87:8, 355-359

News and comment British Birds 91:1, 69-74