Portal:Croatia/Did you know

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Did you know 1

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/1

  • ...the word "cravat" comes from the French "cravate" which is a corruption of "Croat" — Croatian "Hrvat"?

Did you know 2

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Did you know 3

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Did you know 4

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/4

  • ...that the Republic of Dubrovnik was one of the first countries to recognize independence of the United States, first in Europe to end slavery and one of the first that built drainage in Medieval Europe (1296)?

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Did you know 6

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Did you know 7

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Did you know 8

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  • ...that the first Croatian king Tomislav elevated Croatia into Kingdom in year 925?

Did you know 9

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Did you know 10

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Did you know 11

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/11

  • ...that Croatian aviation pioneer David Schwarz created the first flyable rigid airship, which was also the first airship with an external hull made entirely of metal?

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Did you know 13

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/13

  • ...that Croatian vernacular names of marine algae are the most numerous within Europe, their richness being subequal to the maximal one for Japanese algae in the rest of the world?

Did you know 14

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/14

  • ...that the first pharmacy in Europe was opened in the Croatian town of Trogir in 1271?

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Did you know 16

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Did you know 17

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  • ...that Croatian officer Ivan Vukić invented torpedo in 1860 and that the first torpedo factory was opened in the Croatian town of Rijeka?

Did you know 18

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Did you know 19

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  • ...that movie director Alfred Hitchcock said in May 1964 that Zadar has the most beautiful sunset in the world?

Did you know 20

Portal:Croatia/Did you know/20

  • ...that Croatia is according to the quantity of water resources per capita third country in Europe, behind Iceland and Norway?

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Did you know 22

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  • ... that Croatian concentration camp commander Vjekoslav Luburić's wife divorced him in 1957 after she was sent an anonymous letter detailing his crimes?

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  • ... that Croatian theater director Saša Broz trademarked the name and signatures of her grandfather, Yugoslav president Josip Broz Tito?

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