Module:Get short description

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local p = {}

local function getContent(title)
	local success, titleObj = pcall(, title)
	if not success then return nil end
	return titleObj:getContent()

function p.main(frame, title)
	local title = frame.args[1]
    local wikitext = getContent(title)
	if wikitext == nil then return "" end
	wikitext = frame:preprocess(wikitext)
    local startIndex, endIndex = string.find(wikitext, "<div class=\"shortdescription nomobile noexcerpt noprint searchaux\" style=\"display:none\">")
    if startIndex == nil then
        return nil
    local descriptionStart = endIndex + 1
    local descriptionEnd = string.find(wikitext, "</div>", descriptionStart)
    if descriptionEnd == nil then
        return nil
    return string.sub(wikitext, descriptionStart, descriptionEnd - 1)

return p