Draft:Le Soir de Rezonville, panorama par Edouard Detaille and Alphonse de Neuville

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Le Soir de Rezonville panorama was a monumental painting measuring 120 meters in length and 14 meters in height. It depicted a scene from the Franco-Prussian War of 1870-1871, specifically the evening of the Battle of Mars la Tour (for the Prussians) or Rezonville (for the French) on 16 August 1870 from the French side. The painting was commissioned in 1880 by a Belgian company to French military painters Édouard Detaille and Alphonse De Neuville, and was completed in 1883..[1].

Panoramas were a popular form of entertainment in the late 19th century, and the Battle of Rezonville panorama was one of the most impressive and well-known examples of this art form.

Creation of the Panorama

The financial project

Among a speculative frenzy regarding panoramas in Belgium in 1879-1880, the project was the brainchild of a group of businessmen from Belgium who saw an opportunity to capitalize on the popularity of two of the most renowned French painters of military scenes[2].

Early 1880, the group approached de Neuville and Detaille separately, proposing a project that would showcase their talents and commemorate the events of the Franco-Prussian War. De Neuville was the first to sign on, with Belgian newspapers advertising opportunities to invest in the exhibition of his paintings. Reproductions of his work were displayed in Brussels to further entice potential investors. Detaille was contacted soon after and agreed to collaborate with de Neuville on the project after a visit to meet with the financiers in Brussels. Together, they agreed to create panoramas for both Paris and Vienna.

The Société Anonyme du Grand Panorama National de Vienne was established by an act on April 20, 1880, published in the Belgian Gazette on May 4, 1880. The company was formed to capitalise on the success of the subscription of the Societe Nationale du Panorama de Paris which was over-subscribed 2000 times and the press echoed the irrational frenzy[3]. The call for subscription for 1,500 shares nominal value of 100 Francs for a price of 200 francs, 50 payable at souscription and 150 at the reception of the share titles[4]. Since the company was registered with a capital of 450,000 francs divided into 4,500 shares of 100 francs each and 4,500 non-nominal value shares, it means that the founders sold one third of the paid-in capital to pay for the subscription of the 3,000 shares they kept. Here is the flow of funds:

Date Founders flows of funds Debit Credit
April 20 5% deposit on 4,500 shares or 5 francs each 22,500
April 22 to April 27 Deposit of 50 francs for acquisition of each secondary shares by third party investors 75,000
After May 4 4,500 Shares issued to founders, 1,500 of which already pre-sold to investors 427,500 225,000
Negative funding 150,000

Hence in paying only 150,000 francs of their own money in the business, the founders retained two third of the paid in capital and all the non-nominal value shares. The founders were Emile Seutin, Leon Seutin, Joseph Duwez, Victor Guders, Eugène and Camille Marlier, Eugène Bero, Charles Van Moorsel, Alfred Brasseur and Julien Michez.[5]

The Realisation

Detaille seems to have been the driving force for choosing the subject of both the Panorama of Champigny and the Panorama of Rezonville. For the first panorama, which was to be exposed in France, political considerations dictated an episode of the republican war, i.e. after the abdication of Napoleon III. As for the second panorama, initially intended to be exhibited in Vienna, Detaille was able to choose a subject that suited him to convey his patriotic and political message. Rezonville on August 16, 1870, was the deadliest battle of the war. The French dominated the day but did not exploit their advantage. Marshal Bazaine will bear the responsibility. The marshal, a figure of betrayal in the post-war period, is absent from the panorama and Detaille can thus highlight two figures from his political camp: Canrobert and Bourbaki. The latter, in particular, was the subject of a retirement measure deemed scandalous by the Bonapartist camp in April 1881. Moreover, in May 1882, Detaille resigned with Déroulède from the military education commission in public disagreement with the new supervising minister, Jules Ferry. Therefore, this choice can be seen as a manifestation of a certain political and patriotic opposition to a government that no longer prioritizes Revenge but is embarking on the path of colonialism[1].

One the subject set, the two painters move on to realisation. In November 1880, the two artists are rumoured to be travelling to Metz for preparatory works. They were accompanied by Mathey and took pictures (now at the Musee de l'Armee and sketches (the Neuville carnets are in the Musee du Louvre).

The two artists proceeded by choosing a viewpoint that corresponds to the platform and photographing all parts of the horizon to adjust them accordingly[6]. They then execute a painting sketch in one-tenth scale, as detailed as possible, and use light photographic projections to reproduce the landscape on the canvas. The canvas and photograph are divided into ten corresponding equal parts, and each photographed part is projected onto the corresponding part of the canvas. The lines drawn by the light projector are traced using charcoal to reproduce the landscape exactly. They surround themselves with a team (including the painter Mathey) to help them paint the landscape, but will reserve the figures for themselves[1].

Unlike other panorama painters, Detaille and de Neuville make direct changes to perspective by eye. The realism remains striking, even for those who participated in the battle. G. Gœtschy recounts a visit to the studio where the Rezonville panorama is held: "We joined the three visitors and all in single file, we climbed the narrow staircase that led to the platform. Upon reaching it, General Bourbaki, who was leading the procession, could not help but be a little startled. Before him, reproduced in every detail with miraculous accuracy and surprising fidelity, was the battlefield of Rezonville. It was then the turn of his colleagues to marvel after him. They reconstructed, point by point, the story of the battle. De Neuville and Detaille listed, in turn, both the names of the villages and the numbers of the regiments. Not a corner of the vast canvas was out of place, and not the slightest error to be found! The troops maneuvered in their order and the portraits were strikingly similar. For a moment, the cavalry general appeared worried: he was looking for his brigade. De Neuville showed it to him in the distant part of the painting, as large as a hand, exactly where it had been positioned - all the while apologizing with a smile, for not being able to do better, out of respect for the truth"[7].

It was rumoured that the painters obtained 150 000 francs for the Bataille de Champigny panorama, which is probably similar to what they got for Rezonville[8]

The Salon of 1884

Detaille will also produce a reduced and slightly amended model of his work for the 1884 Salon[9]. This painting was purchased by Mr Cornelius Vanderbilt and then presented by his widow to the Seventh Regiment Armory on Park Avenue[10]

Musee Grevin

In 1887, the Musee Grévin created a group piece featuring the artists Bouguereau, Cabanel, Carolus Daran, Clairin, Jerome, J.-P. Laurens and Vibert, visiting Edouard Detaille completing the panorama Rezonville[11].

The figures are positioned on the platform of the scaffolding that the artists used to paint the scene, standing out against a background, painted with the help of Edouard Detaille that represents the center piece of the panorama with the houses of the village of Rezonville and the escort of General Bourbaki. The background and figures were not preserved[12]

Exhibition venues


The Panorama of Rezonville was exhibited in Vienna from 1883 to 1887. The building, also known as the Grand Panorama National, was built in 1879 by Ferdinand Dehm and Franz Olbricht on the site of a theater (Hornik-Park, Sommerorpheum) in the courtyard of the building at Praterstrasse 49, by the "Société Anonyme des Panoramas de Vienne". The panoramic rotunda was a sixteen-sided dome structure with a diameter of 39 meters and a height of 29.5 meters. The opening took place on September 28, 1880. In 1886, it was taken over by the "Société Anonyme Austro-Belge des Pan- et Dioramas"[13]

The reception of the Panorama of Rezonville is good in terms of artistic quality, but the nationalist point of view is not without mockery by satirical newspapers:

At the panorama

- First visitor: Ahah, so this is the Battle of Rezonville. Very beautiful. But I see practically only French people. Where are Kaiser Wilhelm, Moltke, Roon, and Bismarck, who won the battle?

- Second visitor: According to the French reports of the time, they had already been taken captive...[14]


In 1887, the Panorama de Rezonville is replacing the Bataille de Champigny in the panorama of the rue de Berri de 1887 until 1890. It received a price at the 1889 universal exhibition in Paris



It is also exhibited in Berlin from 1893 to 1895 when the liquidation of the company will result in the cut into fragments.

Sale of the fragments

The cut of the canvas

Unlike many other panoramas, which were destroyed after being exhibited, this painting was divided into at least 124 fragments:

  • 115 fragments were sold at an auction held in Galerie Georges Petit on June 16, 1896[15]
  • lot 52 was cut in two after 1903 to separate Marshal Canrobert and General Bourbaki
  • lot 82 was cut in at least two fragments (probably more)
  • lot 94 and 96 seem to have been cut into seven between 1896 and 1898[16]
  • lot 97 was cut in at least three fragments
Lot Section Author Title (French) Title (translated) Comments (french) Comments (translated) H(cm) W(cm) Current Localisation/Various Sales and Owners
1 Section L Neuville Après la bataille After the battle Un officier de chasseurs à pied, blessé, appuyé sur son ordonnance, serre la main à un officier de dragons et à un officier d'état major An officer of foot chasseurs, wounded and leaning on his orderly, shakes hands with an officer of dragons and an officer of the staff. 185 250 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)

Sold at Casa Saráchaga (Argentina) on septembre 22, 2017, lot 519

2 Section L Neuville Un dragon ramasse des lances de uhlans A dragon picks up lances from Uhlans 179 205
3 Section L Neuville Après la "Chevauchée de la mort" After the "Ride of Death" 185 100
4 Section M Neuville Cuirassiers de la brigade de Gammont (n°1) Cuirassiers of the Gammont Brigade (No. 1) 78 240
5 Section N Neuville Cuirassiers de la brigade de Gammont (n°2) Cuirassiers of the Gammont Brigade (No. 2) 75 121
6 Section M Neuville Cuirassiers de la brigade de Gammont (n°3) Cuirassiers of the Gammont Brigade (No. 3) 62 160
7 Section O Neuville Dragons de la brigade Murat (n°1) Dragons of the Murat Brigade (No. 1) 125 236 Sale Lair-Dubreuil/ Petit Drouot (Paris, France) May 17, 1913, lot 32

Sale MeetingArt, (Vercelli, Italy) 20 Nov 2021, lot 330 The picture clearly represent a troop of cuirassiers and there is no other fragment with corresponding dimension so we must assume a mistake in the original labelling

8 Section M Neuville Dragons de la brigade Murat (n°2) Dragons of the Murat Brigade (No. 2) 106 215
9 Section M Neuville Dragons de la brigade Murat (n°3) Dragons of the Murat Brigade (No. 3) Ce sont les dragons de Murat et les cuirassiers de Grammont qui chargèrent et dispersèrent les cuirassiers et les uhlans du général de Bredow It was the Dragons of Murat and the Cuirassiers of Grammont who charged and dispersed the Cuirassiers and Uhlans of General von Bredow. 90 165
10 Section N Neuville Le général prince Joachim Murat et des officiers General Prince Joachim Murat and officers 136 170
11 Section L Neuville Un dragon gardant des prisonniers allemands (n°1) A dragon guarding German prisoners (n°1) 205 148
12 Section N Neuville Un dragon gardant des prisonniers allemands (n°2) A dragon guarding German prisoners (n°2) 210 165 Tourcoing, MUba Eugène Leroy

(absent of the online inventory, lost?)

13 Section N Neuville Un dragon gardant des prisonniers allemands (n°3) A dragon guarding German prisoners (n°3) 152 176
14 Section L Neuville Trompette de dragons Dragon Trumpeter 105 75
15 Section O Neuville Dragon Au fond, les cuirassiers et carabiniers de la garde imperiale A dragon. In the background, the cuirassiers and carabiniers of the Imperial Guard 234 130 Musee de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)

Vente Bonhams (Jersey) May 8, 2006 Lot 149

16 Section A Neuville Cuirassiers et carabiniers de la garde imperiale Cuirassiers and carabiniers of the Imperial Guard 120 165
17 Section N Neuville Un capitaine d'état major interroge deux prisonniers allemands, qu'accompagne un chasseur à pied de la garde impériale A staff officer interrogating two German prisoners accompanied by an infantryman from the Imperial Guard. 165 233 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)The staff officer is not with a chasseur à pied but with a Hussard of the first regiment
18 Section M Neuville Un dragon tenant un cheval par la bride A dragon holding a horse by the reins 107 150
19 Section J Neuville Artilleur a pied menant par la bride son cheval blessé Foot artilleryman leading his wounded horse by the reins 93 169
20 Section K Neuville Uhlan blessé et lignard mort Injured Uhlan and dead Lignard (French infantryman) 160 273 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France)
21 Section L Neuville Cuirassier allemand, dragon français et uhlan gisant sur le sol German cuirassier, French dragon, and Uhlan lying on the ground 113 205 Museum Jorn, (Silkeborg, Denmark)
22 Section L Neuville Un fantassin français, blessé Injured French infantryman 145 112 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion
23 Section L Neuville Un uhlan, un cuirassier allemand, morts Dead Uhlan and German cuirassier 113 235 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)
24 Section N Neuville Lignard et uhlan tués Killed Lignard (infantry man) and Uhlans 100 220 Musée des Beaux-Arts de Caen
25 Section M Neuville Plusieurs chevaux allemands, groupe Several German horses in a group 121 111
26 Section O Neuville Uhlan mort Dead Uhlan 145 202 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)
27 Section K Neuville Chasseur à pied, lignard et chevaux tués Chasseur a pied and infantryman and horses killed 213 295 Musee de Grenoble
28 Section J Neuville Deux fantassins français morts et un uhlan blessé Two dead French infantrymen and one wounded Uhlan 160 215
29 Section O Neuville Un lignard, un chasseur à pied hors de combat One infantryman, a chasseur à pied both incapacitated 125 227 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)
30 Section K

Section L

Neuville Clairon de chasseur à pied, mort Dead Chasseur à pied bugler 125 162
31 Section M Neuville Un dragon tient un cheval à la bride A dragon holding a horse by the reins 116 99
32 Section M Neuville Un Chasseur tenant un cheval allemand par la bride et le caressant A Chasseur holding a German horse by the bridle and petting it 93 100
33 Section K Neuville Le général de Forton et le colonel Durand de Villers General de Forton and Colonel Durand de Villers 93 162
34 Section K Neuville Les chasseurs du colonel Durand de Villers (n°1) The Chasseurs of Colonel Durand de Villers (n°1) 145 250
35 Section K Neuville Les chasseurs du colonel Durand de Villers (n°2) The Chasseurs of Colonel Durand de Villers (n°2) 155 115
36 Section J Neuville Les Zouaves de la garde impériale en soutien de l'artillerie de la garde The Zouaves of the Imperial Guard in support of the Guard's artillery 105 330 Musee de Nancy
37 ? Neuville Deux Dragons ; l'un est descendu de son cheval Two Dragons; one is dismounted from his horse 50 40
38 Section N Neuville Deux cuirassiers français, l'un est démonté Two French Cuirassiers, one is dismounted 50 57
39 Section L? Neuville Les trompettes d'un régiment de dragons Trumpeters of a Dragon regiment 65 103
40 Section L ? Neuville Coup d'obus Shell explosion 100 210
41 Section M Neuville Un officier des zouaves de la Garde impériale est porté à l'ambulance An officer of the Imperial Guard Zouaves is taken to the ambulance 120 230 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France)
42 Section M Neuville Un officier de la ligne blessé A wounded officer of the line 98 121 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion ( Gravelotte, France) Sale Herman Historica (Munich Germany), November 9, 2011, Lot 5354
43 Section J Neuville Plusieurs blessés dont un officier supérieur, conduit à l'ambulance Several wounded, including a senior officer, taken to the ambulance 91 217 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France)

Sale Sotheby's New York on 1 February 2019, lot 641

44 Section O Neuville Chasseurs à pied et carabiniers de la garde impériale Chasseurs à pied and carabiniers of the Imperial Guard 133 227
45 Section O Neuville Un chasseur à pied, tué A chasseur a pied killed 75 125
46 Section M Neuville Deux cadavres de chevaux Two horse corpses. 114 230
47 Section N Neuville Prisonniers prussiens Prussian prisoners 67 138
48 Section N Neuville Giberne, bidon, bonnet de police Cartridge box, canteen, police cap 60 112
49 Section O  ? Neuville Deux sacs de lignards Two bags of infantrymen 75 199
50 Section O  ? Neuville Un sac de lignard One bag of infantryman 106 185
51 Section M Neuville une charrue a plow 100 213
52 Section CSection D Detaille Recontre du maréchal Canrobert, commandant le 6e corps et du général Bourbaki, commandant en chef de la Garde impériale Meeting between Marshal Canrobert, commander of the 6th corps, and General Bourbaki, commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard. 185 246 Cut in two pieces after 1903 (see below), both now in Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)

The Bourbaki part was offered for sale Drouot Novembre 25, 1977, lot 58, then Sale Christie's New York, May 25, 1994, lot 33, then Forbes Collection and Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France) on March 6, 2016, lot 136

53 Section C Detaille Le général Henri, chef d'état major du 6e corps, le capitaine de Randal, de l'artillerie et d'autres officiers General Henri, Chief of Staff of the 6th Corps, Captain de Randal from the artillery, and other officers. Au fond le long d'un mur, des sapeurs du génie pratiques des breches In the background, along a wall, sappers from the engineering corps are making breaches. 380 306 Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)
54 Section C Detaille Le commadant Caffarel, du corps d'Etat major (sur un cheval gris), le lieutenant d'infanterie de Reynieres, des officiers d'état-major Commander Caffarel from the General Staff (on a gray horse), Infantry Lieutenant de Reynieres, and staff officers. . Au fond, des sapeurs du génie In the background, sappers from the engineering corps 200 238 Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)
55 Section D Detaille Le général d'Auvergne, chef d'Etat major du général Bourbaki et son aide de camp, le commandant Leperche General d'Auvergne, Chief of Staff of General Bourbaki, and his aide-de-camp, Commander Leperche 225 171 Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France) previously in

Forbes Collection and Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France) on March 6, 2016, lot 137

56 Section D Detaille Le capitaine de la Calle, de l'artillerie de la garde, le capitaine d'état major Guillet, le commandant Chennevière et le commandant Denègre du corps d'état major; le lieutenant Sancy Parabère, des lanciers de la garde, le capitaine de Beaumont, des dragons de l'impératrice Captain de la Calle, of the Guard Artillery; Captain of the General Staff Guillet; Commander Chennevière and Commander Denègre of the General Staff Corps; Lieutenant Sancy Parabère of the Guard Lancers; Captain de Beaumont of the Empress's Dragons. 240 300 Palacio Paz (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
57 Section D Detaille Le capitaine Pagès, du corps d'état-major ; maréchal des logis des guides, portant le fanion du général Bourbaki; officier des chasseurs de la garde; chasseurs de la garde Captain Pagès of the General Staff Corps; marechal des logis of the Guides carrying the standard of General Bourbaki; Officer of the chasseurs of the imperial guard, chasseurs of the imperial guard 200 231
58 Section E Detaille Chasseurs de la garde Chasseurs of the imperial guard 160 220 Sale Sotheby’s New York October 23, 2007, Lot 79
59 Section C Detaille Maréchal des logis portant un fanion; officier de chasseurs et chasseurs Maréchal-des-logis carrying a standard; officer of Chasseurs and Chasseurs 200 94 Musee Saint Remi, Reims, deposited with, and shown in the Musee de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion, Gravelotte
60 Section E Detaille Un groupe de Grenadiers de la garde impériale (1er régiment) ; des chevaux, des sacs, des armes, etc. A group of Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard (1st regiment); horses, bags, weapons, etc. 163 221 The New York Athletic Club Collection, Peikin-Mueller, Inc., New York, Acquired by Mr. and Mrs. Haussner from the above in 1949

Sale Sotheby’s New York, November 2, 1999, Lot 139

61 Section E Detaille Des Grenadiers de la garde boivent à une fontaine ou remplissent les bidons de leurs camarades Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard drinking from a fountain or filling their comrades' canteens 210 280 Sale Sotheby’s New York, October 17, 1991, lot 151
62 Section A Detaille Un Trompette de l'artillerie de la garde mort, son cheval tué à côté A Trumpeter of the Imperial Guard artillery dead, his horse killed next to him 260 208 Academia Militar de Caracas (Venezuela)

(As seen in 2013)

63 Section G Detaille Les tambours du 1er régiment des grenadiers de la garde Drummers of the 1st regiment of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard 88 315 Musee Carnavalet, Paris (France)
64 Section G Detaille Le Tambour major du 1er régiment des grenadiers de la garde The Drum Major of the 1st regiment of the Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard 103 80 Musee de l'Armée (Paris)
65 Section B Detaille Chasseurs de l'escorte du maréchal Canrobert Chasseurs of the escort of Marshal Canrobert 238 276 Formerly in the Grand Hotel Oslo, current location unknown
66 Section F Detaille Grenadiers et voltigeurs de la garde Grenadiers and voltigeurs of the Guard 175 215 Sale Cornette St Cyr,Paris May 28/29,1991, lot 342
67 Section H Detaille Un grenadier de la garde conduit une mule portant un cacolet sur lequel deux blessés A grenadier of the Guard leads a mule carrying a stretcher on which two wounded soldiers lie 180 210 Musee du Chateau de Versailles,

Former personal collection of Edouard Detaille,

68 Section G Detaille Le commandant Boussenard est porté à l'ambulance par quatre lignards The major Boussenard is carried to the ambulance by four soldiers of the line infantry 154 215
69 Section H Detaille Blessés de l'artillerie conduits à l'ambulance Wounded artillerymen are taken to the ambulance. 205 171 Musée des Beaux Arts de Strasbourg
70 Section H Detaille Transport de blessé Transportation of the wounded. Au deuxieme plan, un cuirassier français français démonté, tient son cheval à la bride At the second plan, a French cuirassier dismounted, holds his horse by the bridle. 98 183 Musee de Montreal (Canada)
71 Section G Detaille Un sapeur du 1er régiment de grenadier de la garde A sapper from the 1st Regiment of Grenadiers of the Guard 160 88 Sales Freeman Fine Arts (Philadelphia PA, USA) June 24, 2007; Lot n°8
72 Section B Detaille Artilleur et son cheval mort Artilleryman and his dead horse A coté un caisson fracassé Beside him, a destroyed ammunition wagon. 174 291 Musee des Beaux Arts de Limoges (France)
73 Section F Detaille Un gendarme de la prévôté du 6e corps indique à un blessé la direction à prendre pour atteinder l'ambulance A gendarme of the Provost of the 6th Corps directs a wounded soldier towards the ambulance 200 275 Musee de Besancon, deposited in the Musee National de la Gendarmerie
74 Section F Detaille Un gendarme de la prévôté du 6e corps A gendarme of the Provost of the 6th Corps Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 1) 209 87
75 Section F Detaille Grenadier de la garde portant des bidons Grenadier of the Guard carrying water canisters 150 105 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)
76 Section G Detaille Des Voltigeurs de la garde portant un blessé Voltigeurs of the Guard carrying a wounded soldier 95 112
77 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°1) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 1) 119 143 Musee de l'Armee (Paris)
78 Section F Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°2) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 2) Au premier plan, une mare At the forefront, a pond. 275 205
79 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°3) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 3) 215 127 Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)

Forbes Collection and Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France) on March 6, 2016, lot 138

80 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°4) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 4) 220 135 Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Nº inventario 6355
81 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°5) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 5) 120 176 Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)
82 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°6) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 6) 210 85 Fragment subsequently cut, including three grenadiers sold by Ader (Paris, France) October, 31, 2008 Lot n° 96
83 Section G Detaille Grenadiers de la garde (n°7) Grenadiers of the Guard (No. 7) 190 85 Musee Carnavalet Paris, deposited and exposed in the musée de l'Armée (Paris)
84 Section G Detaille Le Drapeau des grenadiers de la garde The standard of the Grenadiers of the Guard 270 153 Musee de l'Armee (Paris, France)
85 Section F Detaille Un Grenadier de la garde A Grenadier of the Guard 210 125 Sales Rago Arts, Lambertville (NJ USA), September 10, 2011, lot 1168
86 Section G Detaille Un Chasseur tenant deux chevaux en main A chasseur holding two horses by the reins 135 164
87 Section B ? Detaille Artilleur de la garde tué A killed Guard artilleryman 82 170
88 Section F Detaille Un clairon des grenadiers A grenadier's bugler - 69 48
89 Section F ? Detaille Un Grenadier de la garde A grenadier Guard 85 133
90 Section H Detaille Un clairon et un chasseur à pied, étendus morts A bugler and a foot chasseur lying dead Sur une borne à droite les signatures de E. DETAILLE et de A. DE NEUVILLE On a milestone to the right, the signatures of E. DETAILLE and of A. DE NEUVILLE 130 170 Musée Mandet (Riom, France)

Sale Chevallier/Petit Drouot (Paris, France) December 8, 1898, lot 9

91 Section G Detaille Deux officiers des grenadiers de la garde Two officers from the guards grenadiers 210 87
92 Section B Detaille Un Artilleur de la garde tué A Guard artilleryman killed Il est à demi dépouillé It is half stripped 75 114 Musee de Grenoble (France)
93 Section B Detaille Un officier d'état major A staff officer. 95 136 Musee de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion (Gravelotte, France)
94 Section B Detaille A l'ambulance (n°1) At the field hospital (n°1) On amène des grenadiers et des voltigeurs de la garde, blessés, et des chasseurs à pied Grenadiers and voltigeurs of the Guard, wounded, and chasseurs à pied are brought there. 140 259 Fragment cut subsequently probably in four pieces[16],(a) Transport of the wounded 1, in Musee Chateau fort (Sedan, France) (b) transport of wounded 2, (c) cacolet and (d) Entrance of the Ambulance in Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France), from Sale Leslie Hindman Auctioneers, (Chicago, USA) May 4, 2009, Lot  255 - with forged de Neuville stamp
95 Section B Detaille A l'ambulance (n°2) At the field hospital (n°2) On y conduit des soldats blessés de la ligne Wounded soldiers of the line are brought there. 125 182 Sale Sotheby's (New York, USA) March 18, 1998 Lot 117, then Forbes Collection, then Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France) March 6, 2016, lot 135
96 Section A Detaille Voiture d'ambulance Ambulance wagon Devant un cheval blanc ensanglanté, un chasseur à pied blessé et d'autres tués In front of a bloody white horse, a wounded chasseur à pied and others killed. 200 155 Fragment cut subsequently probably in three pieces sold in 1898[16] including (a) a white horse, (b) an ambulance and (c) two chasseurs - Sale Butterfield & Butterfield  (San-Francisco-Los-Angeles) May 18, 1993, lot n°1525 sold by Fine Arts Museum of San Francisco, then Forbes Collection and then Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France) March 6, 2016, lot 139
97 Section A Detaille Gravelotte Gravelotte Devant, quelques cadavres et des blessés. Plus loin la route qui mène à Metz, encombrée de voitures de blessés, d'isolés. Au loin le village de Gravelotte, éclairé par les les derniers rayons du soleil à son déclin In front, some corpses and wounded. Further on, the road leading to Metz is cluttered with wounded carriages and isolated individuals. In the distance, the village of Gravelotte is illuminated by the last rays of the setting sun. 165 190 Fragment cut at least in three pieces, including (a) several wounded and dead in Sale De Baecque & Associés, (Lyon, France) March 20 2017 – Lot 590 - forged De Neuville Stamp and (b) dead infantryman in Musee de Belfort
98 Section A Detaille Gravelotte, cacolets Gravelotte, stretchers Cependant ce n'est pas le gros du village qu'on apperçoit au fond mais seulement des maisons éparses les denières de Gravelotte However, it is not the heart of the village that can be seen in the background, but only scattered houses, the last ones of Gravelotte. 145 173 Former Forbes Collection, Sale Osenat (Fontainebleau, France), March 2016 Lot 134
99 Section B Detaille Un moment d'arrêt A moment of pause 67 109
100 Section H Detaille L'artillerie de la garde (n°1) Guard artillery (n°1) Les généraux Picard et Jeanningros se tiennent près des batteries, avec leur état major et une escortes de guides de la garde Generals Picard and Jeanningros stand near the batteries, with their staff and an escort of Guides of the Guard. 160 233 Sale Lair Dubreuil/G Petit Drouot (Paris, France) May 17, 1913, lot 31
101 Section H Detaille L'artillerie de la garde (n°2) Guard artillery (n°2) 156 197 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France)

Sale Carayol (Biarritz, France) August 9, 1998 Lot 230

102 Section H Detaille L'artillerie de la garde (n°3) Guard artillery (n°3) Devant plusieurs cadavres de chevaux In front of several horse corpses. 190 160
103 Section H Detaille L'artillerie de la garde (n°4) Guard artillery (n°4) Au premier plan, près du cadre, un fantassin tué In the foreground, near the frame, a killed infantryman. 190 150 Boulogne-sur-Mer, Château-Musée
104 Section H Detaille L'artillerie de la garde (n°5) Guard artillery (n°5) 90 163 Sale Lair-Dubreuil/Petit Drouot (Paris, France) May 17, 1913, lot 33
105 Section D Detaille Deux uhlans morts Two dead uhlans 100 185 Sale Chevallier/Petit Drouot (Paris, France) December 8, 1898, lot 10
106 Section B ? Detaille Un cheval tué, une selle A dead horse and a saddle 75 180
107 Section A Detaille Cuirassier allemand, tué German cuirassier, killed 44 94 Musee de la guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion (Gravelotte, France)
108 Section D Detaille Cuirassier allemand mort et son cheval tué Dead German cuirassier and his dead horse 95 230
109 ? Detaille Une selle et divers objets A saddle and various objects 100 150
110 ? Detaille Sac, marmite, carabine, etc. Bag, pot, rifle, etc. 90 177
111 ? Detaille Sac, bidon, etc. Bag, canteen, etc. 60 92
112 ? Detaille Bidons, fusils, etc. Canteens, rifles, etc. 37 195
113 ? Detaille Sac, Bidon, cartouches (n°1) Bag, canteen, cartridges (n°1) 100 210
114 ? Detaille Sac, Bidon, cartouches (n°2) Bag, canteen, cartridges (n°2) 90 176
115 Section E Detaille Une rue de Rezonville A street in Rezonville 115 155 Sales Ionesco (Neuilly sur Seine) April 7, 1991 Lot 94

The 1903 Sale

Another auction was held at the galerie George Petit on June 15, 1903[17], for certain fragments. The copy of the catalogue of the sale preserved at the Frick collection library indicate the price achieved and the name of the buyer noted by the attendees

Lot Description H W Price Francs Buyer
1 Rencontre du maréchal Canrobert, commandant le 6e corps et du général Bourbaki, commandant en chef de la garde impériale Meeting between Marshal Canrobert, commander of the 6th Corps, and General Bourbaki, commander-in-chief of the Imperial Guard. 185 246 1170 Foinard
2 Le commandant Caffarel du corps d'état major (sur un cheval gris) ; le lieutenant d'infanterie de Reynières, des officiers d'état major - au fonds des sapeurs du génie Commandant Caffarel from the staff corps (riding a gray horse); First infantery Lieutenant de Reynières and some staff officers - engineers in the background. 200 238 1150
3 Le général d'Auvergne, chef d'état major du général Bourbaki et son aide de camp, le commandant Leperche General d'Auvergne, chief of staff of General Bourbaki, and his aide-de-camp, Commandant Leperche 225 171 950
4 Le capitaine de la Calle, de l'artillerie de la garde; le capitaine d'état major Guillet ; le commandant Chennevière et le commandant Denègre, du corps d'état major ; le lieutenant Sancy Parabère, des lanciers de la garde ; le capitaine de Beaumont, des dragons de l'impératrice Captain de la Calle from the Imperial Guard artillery; Captain Guillet from the staff corps; Commandants de Chennevière and Denègre from the staff corps; Lieutenant Sancy Parabère from the Guard Lancers; and Captain de Beaumont from the Empress's Dragoons. 240 300 2800 Foinard
5 Un groupe de grenadiers de la garde impériale (1er régiment) ; des chevaux, des sacs, des armes, etc. A group of Grenadiers from the 1st Regiment of the Imperial Guard, along with horses, bags, weapons, etc. 163 221 920 Meck (?)
6 La Fontaine - des grenadiers de la garde boivent à une fontaine ou remplissent les bidons de leurs camarades At the fontain - some of the Grenadiers are drinking from a fountain or filling their comrades' canteens. 210 280 1750 Foinard
7 Blessés de l'artillerie conduits à l'ambulance Wounded artillerymen being taken to the ambulance 205 171 680 Mme de Pourtalès
8 Un chasseur tenant deux chevaux en main Chasseur holding two horses in hand. 135 164 680 Helft

Current owners

Although the original painting was dismantled and dispersed, many of its fragments survive and are now held in collections around the world. These fragments continue to be appreciated as works of art and historical artifacts, and serve as a testament to the enduring popularity of the panorama as a form of entertainment.

Forbes Collection

The Forbes Galleries hosted for some time several fragments of the panorama of Champigny and Rezonville but Christopher Forbes decided to sell them in 2012 (Sotheby's New York) and 2016 (Osenat, Fontainebleau)[3].

Musee de l'Armée (Paris)

As part of the ATHENA renovation plan, the Musee de l'Armee created a specific room to display panorama fragments from Rezonville and the Fond de la Giberne, the central piece of the panorama of Champigny.

Musee de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'annexion

Musée de la Guerre de 1870 et de l'Annexion is a museum from the Moselle department, created on the site of the battle of Gravelotte. Re-open in 2014, it gathers the most important collection of fragments of the Panorama. They include fragments purchased before the re-opening and fragments lent by private and public institutions (like the Musee St Remi in Reims and the Ministry of Defense)[4].


  1. ^ a b c Les panoramas de Champigny et Rezonville par Edouard Detaille et Alphonse Deneuville, F. Robichon, Bulletin de la Société de l’Histoire de l’Art français, Année 1979, Paris 1981. This article remains the reference to this day on the two panoramas. Its reading can be supplemented by the corresponding chapters in the works of the same author Edouard Detaille, un siècle de gloire militaire, Giovanangeli Ed., Paris, 2007 and Alphonse De Neuville, Nicolas Chaudun Ed., Paris 2010, which are also richly illustrated with the photographs of several fragments.
  2. ^ Adrien Moser, le souvenir de 1870 dans les panoramas d'Edouard Detaille et d'Alphonse de Neuville, in Carnets de la Sabretache November 2020
  3. ^ L'Europe, April 10, 1880
  4. ^ Add in L'Echo du Parlement, April 22, 1880. L'Indépendence of April 27, 1880 indicates the subscription ratios reduction as follows 1 share requested 100% 2 to 5 shares requested 60% 6 to 10 shares requested 55% 11 to 50 shares requested 45% 51 to 100 shares requested 40% 101 to 500 shares requested 35% 501 to 1,000 shares requested 10% 1,000 to 1,500 shares requested 5%
  5. ^ "L'Europe". May 5, 1880.
  6. ^ "Pictures of the houses in Rezonville used to prepare for the panorama landscape, Collection of the Musee de l'Armee, Paris".
  7. ^ Goetschy, Gustave (1846-1902) Auteur du texte (1886). Catalogue des tableaux, aquarelles et dessins, armes de guerre, coiffures militaires et pièces d'armement provenant de l'atelier A. de Neuville, précédé d'une notice par Gustave Goetschy... vente... 5-6 mai 1886... / [experts] Georges Petit, Mannheim.{{cite book}}: CS1 maint: numeric names: authors list (link)
  8. ^ Le Temps, Mai 15, 1892
  9. ^ "Catalogue illustre du Salon". 1884.
  10. ^ "New York Times". December 1, 1945. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  11. ^ La Justice, July 1, 1887
  12. ^ Interview with the curator of the Musee Grevin, May 2020
  13. ^ "Grand Panorama de Vienne". 6 March 2023.
  14. ^ "Cartoon". Figaro. 1 September 1883.
  15. ^ Catalogue de tableaux militaires par Ed. Detaille & A. de Neuville provenant du panorama de Rezonville et quelques tableaux provenant du panorama de la bataille de Champigny... / [expert] Georges Petit. 1896.
  16. ^ a b c It seems that lots 94 and 96 were purchased by the same buyer and then cut in seven pieces. The description of the cut scenes corresponds to the catalog of the auction held in Paris on December 23, 1898 by Chevallier and Lemoine (lots 21 to 27) [1]
  17. ^ Catalogue de tableaux militaires par Ed. Detaille et A. de Neuville provenant du Panorama de Rezonville et d'un tableau provenant du Panorama de la bataille de Champigny, Paris 1903 [2]