User:Stephen Bain/Apartheid

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Some notes for a planned rewrite of the article on apartheid.


Elements of the apartheid system

Discussing the elements of the policy as implemented, the legislation enacting the policy, the methods for enforcing the policy and so forth.

Ideology of apartheid

The "grand apartheid" vision, etc.

Racial classification

The four classifications, the Population Registration Act, the tests for classification. The disenfranchisement of Coloured voters.

Pass laws

The Urban Areas Act, the Natives (Abolition of Passes and Co-ordination of Documents) Act and so forth.

Segregation and resettlement

The Group Areas Act, the townships, petty apartheid. Later, the bantustans.


The Suppression of Communism Act, the Terrorism Act.

History of apartheid

Discussing major events in the history of the policy: things caused by the policy, resistance to the policy, etc.


The rise of the National Party, the 1948 election, the initial implementation of apartheid.

Resistance in the 1950s

The changing of the guard in the ANC, the Defiance campaign, the Freedom Charter, the ANC/PAC split. The Treason Trial.


Resistance in the 1960s

The ANC's shift to violent action and the rise of Umkhonto we Sizwe. The Rivonia Trial.

The bantustans

Resistance in the 1970s

Black Consciousness

Black trade unionism

The legalisation of black trade unions. The formation of FOSATU and other such groups.

Soweto Uprising

The tricameral constitution and the UDF

The formation of the President's Council, and then of the Tricameral Parliament. The formation of the UDF in response.

The "township revolt"

COSAS and the school boycotts. Conflict in the Vaal Triangle. Strikes and stay-aways. The massacre at Uitenhage. The 1985 partial state of emergency and the 1986 complete state of emergency.

The "Rubicon fiasco". The liquidity crisis and the collapse in the rand.

Negotiations and transition

The release of Mandela and the unbanning of the ANC, PAC and SACP. The negotiations. The Interim Constitution and the 1994 elections.

International responses to apartheid

Sports boycotts

1971 Springbok tour of Australia. 1981 Springbok Tour of New Zealand. The rebel tours. The Gleneagles Agreement.

Economic and financial sanctions

The Sullivan Principles. Disinvestment from South Africa. Anti-Apartheid Movement and other boycotts. Nordic, EEC, Commonwealth, US and UK sanctions.

UN action

Resolution 1761.

Aftermath and consequences of apartheid

Discussing what happened immediately in the wake of apartheid, and the long-term effects of apartheid.

Truth and Reconciliation Commission

Economic consequences

Social consequences