User:Volunteer Marek/DYKs

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(Newest to oldest) (better organization and aesthetics coming soon - actually nah, changed my mind, deal with it)

Did you know...

  1. Hieronim Malecki
  2. Eustachy Trepka
  3. Stanisław Murzynowski
  4. Jan Mączyński
  5. Hans Weinreich
  6. Jan Seklucjan
  7. Hieronymus Roth
  8. Battle of Czarne
  9. Anaheim police shooting and protests
  10. Alfred Jahn
  11. Feeder of lice
  12. Andrzej Bogucki
  13. Hieronim Ossoliński
  14. Michał Radziwiłł Rudy
  15. Hugo Steinhaus
  16. Jan Mazurkiewicz
  17. Wacław Gluth-Nowowiejski
  18. Treaty of Kępno
  19. Robinson Crusoes of Warsaw
  20. Roman Träger
  21. Augustyn Träger
  22. Dieter Schenk
  23. François Rochebrune
  24. Pomeranian Griffin
  25. Zouaves of Death
  26. Jurek Wilner
  27. Tadeusz Adamowski
  28. Jacek Rybiński
  29. Abbot's Palace (Oliwa)
  30. Władysław Wawrzyniak
  31. Republic of Ostrów
  32. Swietopelk I, Duke of Pomerania
  33. Olimp (organization)
  34. ORP Rybitwa
  35. Janusz Krupski
  36. Ślężanie
  37. Luba Blum-Bielicka
  38. Abrasza Blum
  39. Brander-Spencer model
  40. Confederate war finance
  41. First Battle of Rellano
  42. Second Battle of Rellano
  43. Wheeler's Surprise
  44. Edward Hutchinson (captain)
  45. Thomas Wheeler (soldier)
  46. Matoonas
  47. Muttawmp
  48. Wyandanch (sachem)
  49. Serafin Olarte
  50. Antonio Díaz Soto y Gama
  51. ...that during the Mexican Revolution, the rebel leader Jesús Salgado, whose revolt often shaded into outright banditry, led 5000 Zapatista troops in the taking of the capital of Guerrero, Chilpancingo?
  52. ... that the grandson of Giuseppe Garibaldi, the Boer general Ben Viljoen, and future Hollywood Western star Tom Mix fought for the rebel army in the Battle of Ciudad Juárez, part of the Mexican Revolution?
  53. ... that Pablo González, the Carranzistan chief responsible for Emiliano Zapata's murder, was also known as "the general who never won a victory" during the entire Mexican Revolution?
  54. ... that Otilio Montaño, a Zapatista General, formally introduced Emiliano Zapata to Pancho Villa, but later was accused of rebelling against Zapata and executed while maintaining his innocence?
  55. ... that in 1915, during the Mexican Revolution, Woodrow Wilson allowed Carranza's troops to be moved over US territory, contributing to Pancho Villa's (pictured) defeat at the Second Battle of Agua Prieta?
  56. ... that the Battle of Cuautla between the Zapatistas and troops of Porfirio Diaz, has been described as "six of the most terrible days of battle" in the Mexican Revolution?
  57. ... that Felipe Neri, a deaf Zapatista general, constructed explosives out of salmon cans and earned the nickname mochaorejas (clipper of ears) by cutting off ears of his prisoners and deserters?
  58. ... that Amador Salazar, a signatory of the Plan of Ayala and cousin of Zapata, was killed by a stray bullet and was buried in a pyramid shaped mausoleum in Tlaltizapán, dressed as a charro?
  59. ... that Porfirio Diaz believed he could defend northern Mexico against Pancho Villa and Pascual Orozco, but Zapata's rebellion in Morelos convinced him to agree to the Treaty of Ciudad Juárez and resign?
  60. ... that the Williamson trade-off model, which compares costs and benefits of horizontal mergers, has been used by the American legal scholar and former judge, Robert Bork, to evaluate antitrust laws?
  61. ... that using the Preston curve, Pritchett and Summers found that more than half a million child deaths in 1990 could have been prevented by higher income growth in the 1980s?
  62. ... that the defense of Olsztyn in 1521 against a siege by the Teutonic Knights was successfully organized by the Catholic cleric and astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus?
  63. ... that one of those killed in the mass murders in Piaśnica, Sister Alicja Kotowska, was beatified together with 107 other victims of Nazi terror in 1999 by Pope John Paul II?
  64. ... that the entire Częstochowa massacre, in which hundreds of Poles and Jews were murdered by the Wehrmacht, was captured in narrative form by a German photographer?
  65. ... that in the attack on Hrubieszów partisans of the Polish anti-communist underground cooperated with Ukrainian nationalists, even though the two groups had previously often fought each other?
  66. ... that the Nicolaus Copernicus Monument erected in 1853 at Toruń in Prussia, his native place, bears a Latin inscription drawn up by Alexander von Humboldt?
  67. ... that one of the platoons of the Chrobry II Battalion was led by Witold Pilecki, who later wrote the first-ever report on the Holocaust?
  68. ... that Edward Kossoy represented about sixty thousand Jews, Roma and Poles in cases for reparations from Germany for Nazi terror?
  69. ... that the head of Polish communist secret police Stanisław Radkiewicz ordered his agents to "liquidate" members of the Polish Peasant Party, and make it look like the work of the anti-communist underground?
  70. ... that Emilia Malessa, a Polish soldier in the anti-communist resistance, committed suicide after she had trusted the security chief Różański and revealed her fellow soldiers which led to their arrest?
  71. ... that Sara Szweber, one of a few women who held leadership positions in the Jewish socialist movement, after the invasion of Poland was threatened with arrest by the NKVD and fled to the United States?
  72. ... that Narcyz Wiatr, a Polish activist in the agrarian movement and member of the anti-Nazi resistance group Peasant Battalions, was murdered by the communist secret police in Kraków’s Planty Park?
  73. ... that Tadeusz Kościuszko initially did not want to support the Greater Poland Uprising of 1794 in order to avoid a two-front war against both Russia and Prussia?
  74. ... that Maurycy Orzech and Leon Feiner wrote the telegraph informing Bundist member of the Polish government in Exile Szmul Zygielbojm of the outbreak of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising?
  75. ... that in 1991, Victor Erlich, the grandson of Henryk Ehrlich, was informed that his father, a Jewish Bund leader who had been executed on Stalin’s orders, had been "rehabilitated"?
  76. .. that Hirsh Lekert, a Bundist, tried unsuccessfully to assassinate the governor of Vilna, and became a folk hero in the Jewish workers’ movement, with poems and dramas written about him in Yiddish?
  77. ... that Michał Klepfisz, a hero of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, saved his comrades' lives by throwing himself on a German machine gun?
  78. ... that the leader of the Bund and organizer of the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee, Victor Alter, was executed on Stalin’s orders, which provoked an international outcry of protest?
  79. ... that the Kultur Lige was a socialist Jewish organization associated with the Jewish Labour Bund, established in Kiev in 1918, whose aim was to promote Yiddish language literature, theater and culture?
  80. ... that Leon Feiner, a leader of the Bund and of Żegota, wrote many communiques to the Western Allies describing the Holocaust in Poland?
  81. ... that Mirosław Iringh, a leader of Slovak Platoon 535, wore a white-blue-red armband made out of a French military decoration once bestowed upon a fellow insurrectionist by Marshal Foch? (This one is a two for the price of one; Iringh and the Platoon))
  82. Iringh (see above)
  83. ... that a joint Nazi-Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk was held on September 22, 1939, to display the power of the newly formed Soviet-Nazi pact to the whole world? (This one is the 7th most viewed DYK article of all time, with over 30,000 views[1])
  84. ... that Franciszek Przysiężniak led partisan units into the largest battle of the anti-Nazi and anti-communist resistance?
  85. ... that in May 1945, Marian Bernaciak helped defeat a force of 680 soldiers supported by armored cars in the largest battle between the communist government of Poland and the anti-communist resistance?
  86. ... that after the declaration of martial law in 1981, Kornel Morawiecki became one of the most wanted people in Poland?
  87. ... that the that collective punishment meted out to mostly innocent Ukrainian peasants by Polish authorities during the Galicia Pacification campaign resulted in increased bitterness and encouraged extremists on both sides?
  88. ... that the Mayor of Danzig, Conrad Letzkau, was treacherously murdered in 1412 by the Teutonic Knights for his support of Poland and refusal to pay taxes?
  89. ... that the Polish partisan leader Władysław Łukasiuk, despite his paralyzed leg, always marched at the head of his unit, using his carbine as a crutch?
  90. ... that according to the chronicler Jan Długosz the Polish knight Mszczuj from Skrzynno was the one who killed the Grand Master of the Teutonic Order, Ulrich von Jungingen during the Battle of Grunwald?
  91. ... that the Lublin Ghetto was one of the first German created ghettos in occupied Poland to be "liquidated"; its inhabitants murdered and many of the remaining cultural landmarks destroyed?
  92. ... that Nobel Prize Economist Robert Lucas estimated that the welfare costs of the business cycle in terms of social welfare are negligible?
  93. ... that Danuta Siedzikówna, a Polish nurse in anti-Nazi and anti-Communist resistance was only seventeen years old when she was sentenced to death and executed by the communist government of Poland in 1946?
  94. ... that Stefan Knapp, a Polish artist working in Great Britain, used his experiences in the Gulag and as a RAF pilot as a basis for his artwork?
  95. ... that the Polish literary critic Ostap Ortwin would wake up the people of Lwów by loudly threatening futurism in the middle of a night and then abuse the policemen who’d ask him for identification?
  96. ... that according to Nobel Prize-winning economist Amartya Sen, there are more than 100 million women "missing" in Asia?
  97. ... Apolinary Hartglas was a leader of Polish Jews, a Zionist activist, and a deputy to the Polish Sejm during the interwar period?
  98. ... Wacław Micuta was a Polish resistance fighter who liberated the Gęsiówka concentration camp and a UN diplomat who promoted renewable energy in developing countries?
  99. ...Jan Konopka was a Polish cavalry commander in the Napoleonic period, a general, a Baron of the French Empire, and was decorated with the Légion d'honneur?
  100. ...Lipka Rebellion of 1672 was the only time that the Muslim Lipka Tatars mutinied against the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth?
  101. ...Aleksander Sulkiewicz was a Muslim Tatar who co-founded the Polish Socialist Party and probably saved the life of the future leader of Poland, Józef Piłsudski, by planning his escape from a mental hospital?