File talk:1984 fictitious world map v2 quad.svg

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This map bares so little resemblance to the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four described in the novel it is almost comical. Eastasia is enormous in comparison to the Eastasia described in the book, the islands of the Mediterranean and of Australasia (barring Australia and New Zealand) are only ever temporarily held, as are Iran and India. Eastasia only ever permanently controls part of Tibet and the islands gathered round the north pole are constantly changing hands between all three superstates. Eastasia is also described as the newest of the states, only having existed since the early 1960s, making it unlikely any large areas of the USSR would have come under its control, Eastasia is also described as permanently holding Indochina rather than India, which is constantly fought over by all three powers and not permanently controlled by any of them.