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{{short description|irski sportista (1993–2022)}}
| ime = Damijan Kasi
| nadimak = 
| slika = 
| slika_širina = 
| slika_opis = 
| puno_ime = 
| datum_rođenja = [[1993]]. <span style="display:none">(<span class="bday">1993</span>)</span>
| mesto_rođenja = [[Dungannon|Dunganon]], [[County Tyrone|Tajron]], [[Ulster]]
| država_rođenja = [[Irska]]
| datum_smrti = [[17. jun]] [[2022]]. (dob: 29/28)<ref name=RTE-dies/>
| mesto_smrti = 
| država_smrti = [[Španija]]
| državljanstvo = 
| visina = 
| težina = 
| pozicija = napadač
| sport = [[hurling]]
| disciplina = 
| karijera = 2012–2022
| lični_rekord = 4 /101 (39–908)<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/>/<br>2
| klub = [[Eoghan Ruadh, Dungannon GAA]]
| reprezentacija = 
| nagrade = 
| medalje = 
| vebsajt = 

'''Damijan Kasi''' ({{jez-engl|Damian Casey}}; 1993 – 17. jun 2022)<ref name=The42-dies/> bio je irski sportista, igrač [[hurling]]a za [[Eoghan Ruadh, Dungannon GAA|Eoghan Ruadh, Dungannon]], klub i seniorski nivo za tim iz okruga Tajron. Bio je i biznismen.<ref name=commute/> Edukovao se na Akademiji [[Sveti Patrik|Sv. Patrik]] u Dunganonu i [[Ulster University|Univerzitetu Ulster]].

Igrao je na poziciji napadača ({{jez|en|full-forward}}). Smatra se jednim od najznačajnijih igrača hurlinga ikada; kada je preminuo, bio je na „vrhuncu svojih moći”.<ref name=RTE-dies/><ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/><ref name=The42-dies/> Pogađao je u svakoj utakmici koju je odigrao u Tajronu na seniorskom nivou. Bio je kapiten u okružnom timu. Pobedili su u [[Kup Niki Rakard|Kupu Niki Rakard]] 2014. godine; tada je imao 21 godinu.<ref name=commute/> Sa svojim timom je pobedio na istom takmičenju ponovo 2022. godine, što je bila njegova poslednja utakmica za okrug jer je preminuo nesretnim slučajem netom posle u [[Španija|Španiji]].

Kasi je igrao hurling od dobi „četiri ili pet” godina.<ref name=commute/> Bio je sin Seana, bivšeg predsedavajućeg kluba Dungannon Clarkes,<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/> i Susan; imao je dve sestre.<ref name=vigils/>

Kasi se edukovao na Akademiji Sveti Patrik u Dunganonu.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/> Bio je student [[Univerzitet Ulster|Univerziteta Ulster]] gde je diplomirao; predstavljao je ovu instituciju na Kupu Ficgibon ({{jez-engl|Fitzgibbon Cup}}).<ref name=RTE-dies/> Kasnije je živeo u engleskom gradu [[Liverpool|Liverpul]].<ref name=commute>{{cite news|url=|title=Flying home for club and county! The Tyrone hurler and the weekly commute from Liverpool|publisher=[[]]|first=Sinead|last=Farrell|date=28. 1. 2018|access-date=6. 3. 2018}}</ref>

Kasi je igrao hurling kao mlad, u klubu [[Eoghan Ruadh, Dungannon GAA]]. Prešao je u seniorski tim i bio delom četiri tima koja su osvajala naslove na Šampionatu TSH.<ref name=The42-dies/><ref name=2019-tyrone-shc>{{cite news|url=|title=Tyrone SHC final: Eoghan Ruadh retain crown|work=Hogan Stand|date=8. 9. 2019|access-date=9. 9. 2019}}</ref>

Kasi je prvi nastup imao na međuokružnom takmičenju kada je odabran da igra za tajronski hurling tim ispod 16 godina. Osvojio je tada medalju, a kasnije još jednu na Šampionatu A-I M H ({{jez-engl|All-Ireland Minor Hurling Championship}}) kao član tima iz Tajrona. Potom se pridružio timu ispod 21 godine, pre nego što je imao debitantski seniorski nastup tokom NHL-a 2012. Postao je redovan među startnih petnaest i osvojili su naslove: Kup Niki Rakard ({{jez-engl|Nicky Rackard Cup}}) i Kup Lori Meger ({{jez-engl|Lory Meagher Cup}}).<ref name=meagher-cup>{{cite news|url=|title=Lory Meagher final: Tyrone win thriller in extra time|work=Hogan Stand|date=9. 6. 2012|access-date=11. 6. 2012}}</ref><ref name=2014-rackard-cup>{{cite news|url=|title=Nicky Rackard Cup: Tyrone edge Fingal|work=Hogan Stand|date=7. 6. 2014|access-date=11. 6. 2014}}</ref>

Godine 2014, Kasi je bio kapetan prvog tima Tajrona i osvojili su Kup Niki Rakard (Kup NR).<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/> U finalnoj utakmici igranoj na [[Croke Park|Kroki parku]], postigao je osam poena protiv tima Fingal.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/> Imao je 21 godinu starosti.<ref name=commute/>

Kasi je postigao petnaest poena (uključujući devet iz slobodnih udaraca i dvije 65-ice) u pobjedi tima iz Tajrona u utakmici protiv tima Roskomon na takmičenju Kup NR 2022; skor Tajrona je bio 1–27, pobijedili su osvojivši 11 poena više, a ovu utakmicu finalne faze igrali su na Kroki parku 21. maja 2022. godine.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/><ref name=The42-dies/> U prethodnoj utakmici (polufinale), postigao je skor 1–12, dovoljno da nadmaši ukupni rekord od 400 poena na utakmicama šampionata.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/>

U svojoj ligi i na prvenstvu ili prvenstvima{{pojasniti}} ima statistiku od 39 golova i 908 poena (ukupno 1025 poena).<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/> Njegova statistika je pozitivno slična statistici [[Patrick Horgan|Patrika Horgana]], hurlera iz okruga Kork koji je rekorder po broju postignutih poena na seniorskom nivou; Horganov prosjek poena po utakmici u vreme Kasijeve smrti bio je oko 8,4, dok je Kasijev maksimalni prosjek poena po utakmici bio 10,01.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/>

Kasi je imao 101 nastup u seniorskom okružnom timu<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/><ref name=The42-dies/> (40 je bilo na šampionatima).<ref name=The42-dies/> Od debi nastupa 2012. do smrti 2022. godine, igrao je od početka svake utakmice i imao minimalno jedan poen u svakoj pojedinoj utakmici.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/><ref name=The42-dies/> Kasijeva statistika odigranih utakmica u kontrastu je sa statistikom hurlera Dejvida Burkea (Galvej), koji je u dobi od 32 godine postao rekorder po broju odigranih utakmica (njegova stat. za taj okrug): 63 – protiv tima uz Korka, na dan posle Kasijeve smrti.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/>

''[[Belfast Telegraph|Belfast telegraf]]'' ga intervjuisao nedugo pre smrti, kada je igrač komentarisao svoju statistiku postignutih golova i pobliže svoju rutinu ili stil igre:

<blockquote>Sve se vrti oko dubokog disanja, odmicanja korak od lopte i pogleda na loptu, pogleda na postavke. Par koraka napred, još par udisaja i izdisaja... Protivnički timovi će uzvikivati i urlati, njihovi navijači će biti vama za leđima. Ali u pitanju je da se ima set rutina, kroz koju se prolazi svaki put i ponavljanje [iste] onda... Sve mora biti tečno i prirodno.<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/></blockquote>

18. juna 2022. godine je objavljeno da je Kasi umro dan pre<ref name=RTE-dies/> nesretnim slučajem: nije izašao iz vode u bazenu u [[Španija|Španiji]], gde se pripremao da prisustvuje venčanju.<ref name=RTE-dies>{{cite news|url=|title=Tyrone hurling star Damian Casey dies aged 29|publisher=[[RTÉ News and Current Affairs]]|date=18. 6. 2022|accessdate=18. 6. 2022|quote=The Dungannon man, regarded as possibly the county's greatest hurler of all time, made his inter-county debut in 2012.}}</ref><ref name=magician-of-rare-skill>{{cite news|url=|title='A magician of rare skill'—tributes paid to Tyrone hurling star Damian Casey who died in tragic swimming pool accident in Spain||date=18. 6. 2022|quote=Considered Tyrone's greatest ever hurler, Damian Casey had helped his home county to Nicky Rackard Cup glory only last month... Mr Casey first lined-out for the Tyrone seniors in 2012. The full-forward started his county's first game that season and amazingly he started every game for Tyrone since then—100 outings in total.}}</ref><ref name=The42-dies>{{cite news|url=|title=Tyrone hurling star Damian Casey dies aged 29|publisher=[[]]|date=8. 6. 2022|quote=The Dungannon man passed away in a tragic swimming-pool accident in Spain on Friday... Eoghan Ruadh forward Casey was widely regarded as Tyrone's greatest hurler of all time... Indeed, across all competitions, Casey started and scored in every one of Tyrone's 101 fixtures since his senior inter-county bow in 2012, amassing an overall tally of 39 goals and 908 points—or 1,025 total points.}}</ref><ref>{{cite news |last1=Rutherford |first1=Adrian |last2=Preston |first2=Allan |url= |title=Damian Casey: 'On earth you were a star'—manager's poignant tribute to Tyrone hurler killed in Spanish pool accident |access-date=19. 6. 2022 |work=belfasttelegraph |date=18. 6. 2022}}</ref> [[Bdenje uz sveće]] desilo se posle njegove smrti.<ref name=vigils>{{cite news|url=|title=Vigils take place to support family of Damian Casey following Tyrone hurler's tragic death|work=[[The Irish News]]|date=20. 6. 2022}}</ref> Oni koji su prisustvovali izgovorili su molitvu.<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Tyrone community gather to support hurler Damian Casey's devastated family at vigil|work=[[The Irish News]]|first=Paul|last=Ainsworth|date=20. 6. 2022}}</ref> Uoči polufinala Šampionata A-I S H 2022, koje se odigralo na stadionu Semple dan nakon Kasijeve smrti, bila je [[minuta šutnje]]; radnik [[RTÉ|RTÉ-a]] Antoni Dali, izjavio je: „On je postigao 14 poena na Kroki parku samo nekoliko sedmica pre. To je samo takav gubitak.”<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Body of tragic hurling star Damian Casey to be brought home after post mortem|first=Arthur|last=Parashar|date=19. 6. 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Anthony Daly reflects on the tragic passing of Tyrone hurler Damian Casey|work=[[The Sunday Game|The Saturday Game]]|first=Anthony|last=Daly|date=18. 6. 2022}}</ref><ref>{{cite news|url=|title='He was blessed with a modesty beyond belief'—GAA united in grief over death of Damian Casey|first=Barry|last=Arnold|date=18. 6. 2022}}</ref>

; ''Eoghan Ruadh Dungannon''
* [[Tyrone Senior Hurling Championship|Šampionat TSH]]: 2012, 2013, 2018, 2019<ref name=The42-dies/><ref name=2019-tyrone-shc/>

; ''Tyrone''
* [[Nicky Rackard Cup|Kup NR]]: [[:en:2014 Nicky Rackard Cup|2014]] ([[:en:Captain (Gaelic games)|k.]]),<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/><ref name=2014-rackard-cup/> [[:en:2022 Nicky Rackard Cup|2022]]<ref name=magician-of-rare-skill/>
* [[Lory Meagher Cup|Kup LM]]: [[:en:2012 Lory Meagher Cup|2012]]<ref name=meagher-cup/>
* [[National Hurling League|Nacionalna hurling liga ’Divizija 3A’]]: [[:en:2015 National Hurling League#Division 3A|2015]] (k.),<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=AHL Division 3A Final Tyrone 0-18 Monaghan 1-11|date=6. 4. 2015}}</ref> [[:en:2022 National Hurling League#Division 3A|2022]]<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Tyrone hold off Armagh fight back for Division 3A crown|work=Hogan Stand|date=2. 4. 2022}}</ref>
* [[National Hurling League|Nacionalna hurling liga ’Divizija 3B’]]: [[:en:2014 National Hurling League#Division 3B|2014]] (k.)<ref name=2014-3B-final-team>{{cite news|url=|title=Team news: Tyrone name hurling team to face Leitrim|work=Hogan Stand|date=4. 4. 2014}}</ref>

; Priznanja
* Šampion 15 GAA/GPA ({{jez|en|GAA/GPA Champion 15}}): 2019,<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Ring, Rackard, Meagher Champion 15 announced|date=1. 11. 2019}}</ref> 2020,<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Nine Counties represented in GAA/GPA Champion 15 selection|date=15. 2. 2021}}</ref> 2021<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Eight counties represented in 2021 Champion 15 selection|date=6. 12. 2021}}</ref>
* Šampion 15 Kupa NR ({{jez|en|Nicky Rackard Cup Champion 15}}): 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016<ref>{{cite news|url=|title=Ring, Rackard, and Meagher Cup Champions 15 announced|date=1. 11. 2016}}</ref>

== Reference ==

{| class="wikitable succession-box noprint" style="margin:0.5em auto; font-size:95%;clear:both;"
! colspan="3" style="border-top: 5px solid #78FF78;" |Sportske pozicije
|- style="text-align:center;"
|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Prethodnik
| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|'''[[:en:Tyrone county hurling team|Kapiten seniorskog tima iz Tajrona]] '''<br />2014–2015
| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Naslednik
|- style="text-align:center;"
|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Prethodnik
| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|'''Kapiten seniorskog tima iz Tajrona'''<br />2021
| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Naslednik
! colspan="3" style="border-top: 5px solid #FFF179;" |Postignuća
|- style="text-align:center;"
|style="width:30%;" rowspan="1"|Prethodnik<br><div style="font-weight: bold">[[:en:Joe Boyle (hurler)|Džo Bojl]]</div>
| style="width: 40%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"|'''[[:en:Nicky Rackard Cup|Finale Kupa Niki Rakard]]<br>''kapiten'''''<br>[[:en:2014 Nicky Rackard Cup|2014]]
| style="width: 30%; text-align: center;" rowspan="1"| Naslednik<br><div style="font-weight: bold">[[:en:Micheál Kelly|Mikeal Keli]]</div>

<div role="navigation" class="navbox"<!-- aria-labelledby="Tyrone_–_2014_Nicky_Rackard_Cup_champions_(1st_title)"--> style="padding:3px"><table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;background:transparent;color:inherit"><tr><th scope="col" class="navbox-title" colspan="2" style="background:white; color:red;"><!--<div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view">[[Template:Tyrone Hurling Team 2014|<abbr title="View this template" style=";background:white; color:red;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">v</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-talk">[[Template talk:Tyrone Hurling Team 2014|<abbr title="Discuss this template" style=";background:white; color:red;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">t</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-edit">[//<abbr title="Edit this template" style=";background:white; color:red;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">e</abbr>]</li></ul></div>--><div<!-- id="Tyrone_–_2014_Nicky_Rackard_Cup_champions_(1st_title)"--> style="font-size:114%;margin:0 4em">''Tyrone'' – šampioni Kupa Niki Rakard 2014 (1. naslov)</div></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="navbox-list navbox-odd hlist" style="width:100%;padding:0"><div style="padding:0 0.25em">
* <span style="font-size:85%;">1</span> [[John Devlin (hurler)|J. Devlin]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">2</span> [[Conor McNally|C. McNally]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">3</span> [[Ruairí Devlin|R. Devlin]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">4</span> [[Mike O'Gorman|M. O'Gorman]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">5</span> [[Martin Grogan|M. Grogan]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">6</span> [[S. Donnelly]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">7</span> [[Aidan Kelly (hurler)|A. Kelly]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">8</span> [[Mark Winters (hurler)|M. Winters]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">9</span> [[Gary Fox (hurler)|G. Fox]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">10</span> [[Conor Grogan|C. Grogan]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">29</span> [[Tiernan Morgan|T. Morgan]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">12</span> [[Chris Cross (hurler)|C. Cross]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">13</span> [[Matthew Mulgrew|M. Mulgrew]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">14</span> [[Damian Casey|D. Casey]] (c)
* <span style="font-size:85%;">15</span> [[Gerard Gilmore (hurler)|G. Gilmore]]
;<span style="font-size:85%;">Isk. zamjene</span>
: <span style="font-size:85%;">18</span> [[Martin Devlin (hurler)|M. Devlin]] for M. Winters
: <span style="font-size:85%;">19</span> [[Duibhir Marshall|D. Marshall]] for G. Gilmore
;<span style="font-size:85%;">Selektor/menadžer</span>
: [[Mattie Lennon|M. Lennon]]</div></td></tr></table></div>
<div role="navigation" class="navbox"<!-- aria-labelledby="Ireland_composite_rules_team_2018_&#124;_Composite_Rules_Shinty-Hurling_Series"--> style="padding:3px"><table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;background:transparent;color:inherit"><tr><th scope="col" class="navbox-title" colspan="2" style="background:green;color:white;"><!--<div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view">[[Template:Ireland composite rules shinty team 2018|<abbr title="View this template" style=";background:green;color:white;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">v</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-talk">[[Template talk:Ireland composite rules shinty team 2018|<abbr title="Discuss this template" style=";background:green;color:white;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">t</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-edit">[//<abbr title="Edit this template" style=";background:green;color:white;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">e</abbr>]</li></ul></div>--><div<!-- id="Ireland_composite_rules_team_2018_&#124;_Composite_Rules_Shinty-Hurling_Series"--> style="font-size:114%;margin:0 4em">[[:en:Composite rules shinty–hurling|<span style="color:white">Irski tim kompozitnih pravila 2018</span>]] | [[:en:Composite rules shinty–hurling|<span style="color:white">Serija ’{{jez|en|Shinty-Hurling}}’ kompozitnih pravila</span>]]</div></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="navbox-list navbox-odd hlist" style="width:100%;padding:0"><div style="padding:0 0.25em">
* <span style="font-size:85%;">1</span> [[Enda Rowland|E. Rowland]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">2</span> [[Brian Byrne (hurler)|B. Byrne]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">3</span> [[Damian Casey|D. Casey]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">4</span> [[John Casey (hurler)|J. Casey]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">5</span> [[Darragh Clinton|D. Clinton]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">6</span> [[Noel Connors|N. Connors]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">7</span> [[Danny Cullen|D. Cullen]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">8</span> [[Tommy Doyle (Westmeath hurler)|T. Doyle]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">9</span> [[Darragh Egerton|D. Egerton]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">10</span> [[David English (hurler)|D. English]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">11</span> [[Jason Forde|J. Forde]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">12</span> [[Damien Healy (Meath hurler)|D. Healy]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">13</span> [[Gerard O'Kelly-Lynch|G. O'Kelly-Lynch]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">14</span> [[Gavin McGowan (hurler)|G. McGowan]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">15</span> [[David McInerney|D. McInerney]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">16</span> [[Bryan Murphy|B. Murphy]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">17</span> [[John Michael Nolan|J. M. Nolan]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">18</span> [[Stephen Roche (hurler)|S. Roche]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">19</span> [[James Toher|J. Toher]]
* <span style="font-size:85%;">20</span> [[Seán Weir|S. Weir]]
;<span style="font-size:85%;">Selektor/menadžer</span>
: [[William Maher (hurler)|W. Maher]] </div></td></tr></table></div>
<div role="navigation" class="navbox"<!-- aria-labelledby="2019_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="padding:3px"><table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;background:transparent;color:inherit"><tr><th scope="col" class="navbox-title" colspan="2" style="background: gold;"><!--<div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view">[[Template:2019 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="View this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">v</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-talk">[[Template talk:2019 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="Discuss this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">t</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-edit">[//<abbr title="Edit this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">e</abbr>]</li></ul></div>--><div<!-- id="2019_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="font-size:114%;margin:0 4em">Šampion 15 GAA/GPA 2019</div></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="navbox-list navbox-odd hlist" style="width:100%;padding:0"><div style="padding:0 0.25em">
* <small>1</small> [[Simon Doherty|S. Doherty]]
* <small>2</small> [[Caolan Taggart|C. Taggart]]
* <small>3</small> [[Keith Keoghan|K. Keoghan]]
* <small>4</small> [[Enda Moreton|E. Moreton]]
* <small>5</small> [[James Weir (hurler)|J. Weir]]
* <small>6</small> [[James Glancy (hurler)|J. Glancy]]
* <small>7</small> [[John Henderson (Wicklow hurler)|J. Henderson]]
* <small>8</small> [[Keith Raymond|K. Raymond]]
* <small>9</small> [[Seán Geraghty|S. Geraghty]]
* <small>10</small> [[Jack Regan (hurler)|J. Regan]]
* <small>11</small> [[Gerard O'Kelly-Lynch|G. O'Kelly-Lynch]]
* <small>12</small> [[Damian Casey|D. Casey]]
* <small>13</small> [[Daithí Sands|D. Sands]]
* <small>14</small> [[Ronan Crowley|R. Crowley]]
* <small>15</small> [[Sé McGuigan|S. McGuigan]] </div></td></tr></table></div>
<div role="navigation" class="navbox"<!-- aria-labelledby="2020_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="padding:3px"><table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;background:transparent;color:inherit"><tr><th scope="col" class="navbox-title" colspan="2" style="background: gold;"><!--<div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view">[[Template:2020 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="View this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">v</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-talk">[[Template talk:2020 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="Discuss this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">t</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-edit">[//<abbr title="Edit this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">e</abbr>]</li></ul></div>--><div<!-- id="2020_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="font-size:114%;margin:0 4em">Šampion 15 GAA/GPA 2020</div></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="navbox-list navbox-odd hlist" style="width:100%;padding:0"><div style="padding:0 0.25em">
* <small>1</small> [[Stephen Keith|S. Keith]]
* <small>2</small> [[Sean McVeigh|S. McVeigh]]
* <small>3</small> [[Caolan Taggart|C. Taggart]]
* <small>4</small> [[Cathal Freeman|C. Freeman]]
* <small>5</small> [[Conor McShea|C. McShea]]
* <small>6</small> [[Rian Boran|R. Boran]]
* <small>7</small> [[Danny Cullen|D. Cullen]]
* <small>8</small> [[Eoghan Cahill|E. Cahill]]
* <small>9</small> [[Paul Divilly|P. Divilly]]
* <small>10</small> [[Damian Casey|D. Casey]]
* <small>11</small> [[James Burke (Kildare hurler)|J. Burke]]
* <small>12</small> [[Shane Boland|S. Boland]]
* <small>13</small> [[Jack Sheridan (hurler)|J. Sheridan]]
* <small>14</small> [[Andrew Mackin|A. Mackin]]
* <small>15</small> [[Christy Moorehouse|C. Moorehouse]] </div></td></tr></table></div>
<div role="navigation" class="navbox"<!-- aria-labelledby="2021_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="padding:3px"><table class="nowraplinks mw-collapsible autocollapse navbox-inner" style="border-spacing:0;background:transparent;color:inherit"><tr><th scope="col" class="navbox-title" colspan="2" style="background: gold;"><!--<div class="navbar plainlinks hlist navbar-mini"><ul><li class="nv-view">[[Template:2021 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="View this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">v</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-talk">[[Template talk:2021 GAA/GPA Champion 15|<abbr title="Discuss this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">t</abbr>]]</li><li class="nv-edit">[//<abbr title="Edit this template" style=";background: gold;;background:none transparent;border:none;box-shadow:none;padding:0;">e</abbr>]</li></ul></div>--><div<!-- id="2021_GAA/GPA_Champion_15"--> style="font-size:114%;margin:0 4em">Šampion 15 GAA/GPA 2021</div></th></tr><tr><td colspan="2" class="navbox-list navbox-odd hlist" style="width:100%;padding:0"><div style="padding:0 0.25em">
* <small>1</small> [[Simon Doherty|S. Doherty]]
* <small>2</small> [[Seán Cassidy|S. Cassidy]]
* <small>3</small> [[Ciarán Burke|C. Burke]]
* <small>4</small> [[Rory Porteous|R. Porteous]]
* <small>5</small> [[Enda Shalvey|E. Shalvey]]
* <small>6</small> [[Ben Conneeley|B. Conneely]]
* <small>7</small> [[David Kenny (Mayo hurler)|D. Kenny]]
* <small>8</small> [[Cathal Freeman|C. Freeman]]
* <small>9</small> [[Cormac O'Doherty|C. O'Doherty]]
* <small>10</small> [[Damian Casey|D. Casey]]
* <small>11</small> [[Gerard O'Kelly-Lynch|G. O'Kelly-Lynch]]
* <small>12</small> [[Seán Corrigan|S. Corrigan]]
* <small>13</small> [[Oisín Kelly (hurler)|O. Kelly]]
* <small>14</small> [[Eoghan Cahill|E. Cahill]]
* <small>15</small> [[Keith Higgins|K. Higgins]] </div></td></tr></table></div></div></td></tr></table>

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@Edgar Allan Poe:


-- (talk) 18:25, 20 June 2022 (UTC)[reply]

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