User:TokenzeroBot/ISO 4

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Out of 10144 infobox journals, 56 have an empty abbreviation parameter, 9697 have the same as guessed by the bot, 391 have something different. (0 have no computed abbreviation)

The first 50 mismatches:

page title infobox title infobox abbrv bot guess validate lang matching LTWA patterns
Akropolis: Journal of Hellenic Studies Akropolis [Edit]

Akropolis [Edit]

Akrop.: J. Hell. Stud. [Create]

Akrop: J Hell Stud [Create]

Verify all
-polis	-p.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
hellen-	hell.	gre
helléni-	hell.	fre
Studie	Stud.	dut
studi	n.a.	ind
studi-	stud.	ind, nor
studies	stud.	eng
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek (journal) Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Antonie van Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie van Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Antonie Leeuwenhoek [Edit]

Verify all
Antonie	n.a.	mul,ext
-ton	-t.	eng
Carnets Geol. Carnets Geol. [Edit]

Carnets Geol [Edit]

Carnets Geol, [Create]

Carnets Geol, [Create]

Verify all
carnet	n.a.	fre
Chemistry: A European Journal Chem. Eur. J. [Edit]

Chem Eur J [Edit]

Chem.: Eur. J. [Edit]

Chem: Eur J [Edit]

Verify all
chemist-	chem.	eng
europ-	eur.	mul
journal	j.	fre, eng
Chinese Annals of Mathematics, Series B Chin. Ann. Math. Ser. B [Edit]

Chin Ann Math Ser B [Edit]

Chin. Ann. Math. B [Edit]

Chin Ann Math B [Edit]

Verify all
Chinese	Chin.	eng
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
mathemat-	math.	fre, eng
serie	ser.	mul
series	ser.	eng
série-	sér.	fre
EMBnet EMBnet.journal EMBnet.journal [Edit]

EMBnetjournal [Edit]

EMBnet.j. [Create]

EMBnetj [Create]

Verify all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Fondation Louis-de-Broglie Annales de la Fondation Louis de Broglie Ann. Fond. Louis de Broglie [Edit]

Ann Fond Louis de Broglie [Edit]

Ann. Fond. Louis Broglie [Edit]

Ann Fond Louis Broglie [Edit]

Verify all
annal-	ann.	eng, fre
fondation-	fond.	fre
Humana.Mente Humana.Mente [Edit]

HumanaMente [Edit]

Hum..Mente [Create]

HumMente [Create]

Verify all
human	hum.	eng, hun
mente	n.a.	spa
Johnson Matthey Technology Review Johnson Matthey Technol. Rev. [Edit]

Johnson Matthey Technol Rev [Edit]

Johns. Matthey Technol. Rev. [Edit]

Johns Matthey Technol Rev [Edit]

Verify all
Johnson	Johns.	eng
technolog-	technol.	mul
review-	rev.	eng
Journal of Xenobiotics J. Xenobiot. [Edit]

J Xenobiot [Edit]

J. Xenobiotics [Create]

J Xenobiotics [Create]

Verify all
journal	j.	fre, eng
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods [Edit]

Limnol Oceanogr Methods [Edit]

Limnol. Oceanogr.: Methods [Create]

Limnol Oceanogr: Methods [Create]

Verify all
limnolog-	limnol.	mul, hun
oceanograph-	oceanogr.	fre, eng
océan-	ocean.	fre, mul
-graph-	-gr.	eng
method	n.a.	eng
Novel: A Forum on Fiction Novel [Edit]

Novel [Edit]

Nov.: Forum Fict. [Create]

Nov: Forum Fict [Create]

Verify all
novel-	nov.	eng
forum	n.a.	lat, fre, eng
ficti-	fict.	fre
Questions: Philosophy for Young People Questions [Edit]

Questions [Edit]

Quest.: Philos. Young People [Create]

Quest: Philos Young People [Create]

Verify all
question-	quest.	fre, eng
philosoph-	philos.	mul
young-	n.a.	eng
people	n.a.	eng
The Critical Review (Chinese journal) [[{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}italics=off}}]] Xueheng [Edit]

Xueheng [Edit]

{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}ital.=off} [Create]

{{native name{{!}}zh{{!}}学衡{{!}}ital=off} [Create]



itali-	ital.	ita, fre
The Dodge The Dodge [Edit]

The Dodge [Edit]

Dodge [Edit]

Dodge [Edit]

Verify all

Topic: The Washington & Jefferson College Review Topic [Edit]

Topic [Edit]

Top.: Wash. Jefferson Coll. Rev. [Create]

Top: Wash Jefferson Coll Rev [Create]

Verify all
topic-	top.	eng
Washington	Wash.	eng
-ton	-t.	eng
Colleg	Coll.	ger
college-	coll.	fre, eng
review-	rev.	eng
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – Crystalline Materials Z. Kristallogr. Cryst. Mater. [Edit]

Z Kristallogr Cryst Mater [Edit]

Z. Krist. – Cryst. Mater. [Create]

Z Krist – Cryst Mater [Create]

Verify all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystalli-	cryst.	eng
materia-	mater.	spa, lav, ita
material-	mater.	slo, lit
materials	mater.	eng
matéri-	matér.	fre
Zeitschrift für Kristallographie – New Crystal Structures Z. Kristallogr. NCS [Edit]

Z Kristallogr NCS [Edit]

Z. Krist. – New Cryst. Struct. [Create]

Z Krist – New Cryst Struct [Create]

Verify all
Zeitschrift-	Z.	ger
kristall-	krist.	rus, ger
-graph-	-gr.	eng
crystal	cryst.	eng
structur-	struct.	eng, fre