User:Marjan Tomki SI/CompOS-etc

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Inteded for IT tech related stuff, primarily links etc. for sources and other stuff considered for articles.


Windows etc.

HW and HW/SW

  • About MindShare [1]


  • MS-DOS, including timeline and it's (partial) (pre)history
  • TRS DOS - for Tandy TRS-80 - sources to be found
  • CDC Cyber NOS/BE - source to be added
  • Fujitsu FACOM OS IV/F4 and Fujitsu FACOM M-180 II/AD
  • FACOM line and full screen editors
  • Facom and IBM TSS and relations to batch
  • Errors and corrections (Nace Nadrah rule regarding programs, with story he gave as example; usefull generally; independent but in the same field as "Murphy's laws"; I see both as expressions of Chaos and entropy)
  • Paper card punchers and readers (and sorters and tabelers) (IBM and FACOM)
  • Honeywell - had it, didnt work with it)
  • Another - one of them was programed by connecting plugs and wired on a board - I saw it, but was not in use any more so I didn't see it work)
  • IBM Series\1 - up to 8 terminal (that had 2) and 64K RAM (total or per terminal, not sure), and 20 MB disk, and Event Driven Executive (EDX) OS - souce to be added (had to do, and did serious troubleshooting, successfull)
  • IBM OS/360 and IBM OS/VS/MVS
  • Fujitsu SL-100 and Fujitsu and IBM PLI
  • Microprogram and initial microprogram loading (IMPL)
  • VAX and MicroVAX - to be added
  • Simplex programing language
  • COBOL (and standadisation, and versions, including MOBOL)
  • Conversions of programs between types, versions of os-es, compilers etc.
  • MDS (Mohawk data sciences) mini comp multiterminal system, then our primary use data entry
  • Multix and Unix (did a short set of good courses, including architeture and security, didn't use much at the time)
  • Novell, Netware, IPX/SPX etc.
  • Wordstar text editor (versions etc. - there I first saw outline module)
  • WordPerfect
  • VI (one of Unix text editors)
  • MS Word (I encountered that at ver 4 for DOS, and introduced and supported 5.0 with it's styles, outline editing, excellent tutorials, good path of contents through versions conversions. Last user was using it in her profession - and I supported it - through 2000 millenium problem, and her only cost was ink for inkjet and electrical power for driving computer and printer; I initially created stylesheets she needed etc., and got a spare disk where I set a copy of her working SW for her comp in time, and paper info for myself about it, so I was able to repair a random corrupt piece of SW on working one, had one intervention in 10+ ys.; current versions could be nightmare for historians, if AI that could help doesn't evolve (ethical more than 20210303 humans))
  • spreadsheet programs (PRACTICALC, lOTUS 1-2-3, PARADOX (I think, might be db), Excell)
  • database SW (IBM DB-2, dBase, Clipper, RAPID, Oracle, Access...)
  • GIS (geographical information system) sw
  • statistical packages (SAS, STATA, R...)
  • LANDSAT data and making them usefull
  • IBM DisplayWrite system (with daisy printers as editing/preparation for printing, I think later ported to mainframe as DisplayWrite 4 and 5)
  • IBM PC
    • limitations of first
    • AT (286)
    • NEAT (286 - my first PC) with Hercules graphic card (and IBM PC early graphic cards story)
    • IBM (original, not clone) 386 - for work with LANDSAT data)
    • 386 and upwards clones
    • Dealing with RAM architecture (attributed to Gates then: who shal ever need more than a MB ov RAM?) -
extended, expanded... antragonisms of compatibilities and development
    • multitasking and security on PC
    • First stable Oracle server on PC with Windows NT 4.0 by Aleš Aleksander Kavšek (then a youth at Statistical office of Slovenia)

That'l do for the moment