User:Jéské Couriano/ArbCaseSum/10-11

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How to read the sections

  • Decided: The calendar date (in UTC) when the case was decided. If the case did not reach a decision, it will be Closed instead. If the case involved an administrator "retiring", it will be "Deopped" instead.
  • Abbrev.: A shorthand abbreviation of the casename. See ArbCaseAbv for more details.
  • Type: The type of case it is:
  • Admin: A case centred around the conduct of one or more administrators.
  • Dispute: A case that examines an intractible dispute between two or more editors directly.
  • Editor: A case about the (non-administrative) misconduct of an editor.
  • Functionary: A case centred around misuse of Suppressor or Checkuser permissions.
  • Omnibus: A case about misconduct in a topic area writ large.
  • Other: Any case that doesn't fall into one of the categories above.
  • Scope: The overall scope of the case.
  • CT?: An indication of whether or not a case includes or included a discretionary sanctions or contentious topic remedy.
  • Remedy name: The name of the remedy (or a description of it, for earlier cases which did not have sectioned remedies).
  • Remedy (in modern terms): Basically my best attempt to explain, in plain English and modern understanding, what the remedy means.
  • If this section has a coloured background, the colour indicates its status or origin:
  • Yellow (#FFFF00) is a temporary injunction issued mid-case.
  • Blue (#00BFFF) is a post-close amendment or motion.
  • Red (#CD5C5C) is a remedy that has since been rescinded or otherwise is wholly reliant on previous remedies that are themselves rescinded.
  • Green (#32CD32) is a remedy whose wording was amended post-close, either due to an amendment/motion or due to changes in process (such as Discretionary Sanctions to Contentious Topic).
  • Brown (#D2691E) is suspended or in abeyence, usually as part of a period where a remedy has been appealed.
  • Amended/Enacted: If a remedy was added or amended post-close, this will be the calendar date (in UTC) when the remedy was modified or took effect.
  • Rescinded: If a remedy was terminated, this will be the calendar date (in UTC) when the remedy was ended.
  • Enforceable?: Indicates whether a given remedy can be invoked at WP:AE. Any remedy that predates April 2006 and was not still in force by then predates AE entirely.
  • Sup/Opp/Abs/Rcs: The vote totals for a remedy (Support, Oppose, Abstain, Recused).

Any case that has been courtesy-blanked or closed without action will be given a very brief description and nothing further.


  • Decided: Jan. 25, 2010
  • Abbrev.: TOTH
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Interactions between Tothwolf and editors opposing him
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Tothwolf restricted For the next six months, Tothwolf may be summarily blocked by any administrator if he makes an edit judged to be incivil, a personal attack, or aspersions-casting. Blocks are capped at 1w for the first five (and 1mo thereafter) and must be logged on the case page. -- Yes 6 0 2 0
JBsupreme warned JBsupreme is warned to refrain from incivility and personal attacks.
(This remedy's text was replaced by the text of JBsupreme restricted below, and so this text is pulled from the proposed decision page.)
-- No 5 0 3 0
Miami33139 and JBsupreme reminded Both JBsupreme and Miami33139 are told to observe best practices, including WP:BEFORE, while nominating pages for deletion. -- No 6 1 1 0
Editors reminded ArbCom admonishes the parties (and other editors, writ large) for failing to observe policies for harassment and conflicts of interest. -- No 6 0 2 0
JBsupreme restricted For the next six months after this motion passes, JBsupreme may be summarily blocked by any administrator if he makes an edit judged to be incivil, a personal attack, aspersions-casting, or which disrupts a deletion debate. Blocks are capped as above and must be logged on the case page.
(The original motion did not include the clause about deletion debates.)
July 02, 2010
Amd: JBsupreme civility wording
Yes 7 0 0 0
Mutual interaction ban JBsupreme and Tothwolf are indefinitely under a mutual interaction ban. They can only seek enforcement at Enforcement or via email to ArbCom's mailing list. Sep. 04, 2010 Yes 10 0 1 0
Miami33139 civility parole For the next six months after this motion passes, Miami33139 may be summarily blocked by any administrator if he makes an edit judged to be incivil, a personal attack, asperions-casting, or which disrupts a deletion debate. Blocks are capped as above and must be logged on the case page. Sep. 04, 2010 Yes 9 0 1 0
JBsupreme civility rewording This expands JBsupreme's civility restriction to also ban edits that disrupt deletion debates and resets the six-month sanction. Sep. 04, 2010 N/A 8 0 1 0
  • Decided: Feb. 11, 2010
  • Abbrev.: MZM2
  • Type: Admin
  • Scope: MZMcBride's misuse of admin tools and Toolserver access
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
MZMcBride's administrator status MZMcBride resigned under a cloud - again - and must go through a new, successful, Request for Adminship to regain the administrator right. Any attempt to loophole this decision by persuading a Bureaucrat is denied. N/A 11 0 0 1
MZMcBride admonished (recidivism) ArbCom harshly criticises MZMcBride for basically coming back to ArbCom as the subject of another administrator-misuse case. No 11 0 0 1
MZMcBride admonished (accessory) MZMcBride is blasted for abusing his Toolserver access to feed information to a banned user. The only reason this doesn't go any further than that is because Toolserver data rules were overhauled and strengthened while the case was ongoing. No 6 2 0 1
  • Decided: Feb. 13, 2010
  • Abbrev.: CHB
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Content dispute over Chabad movement
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors reminded ArbCom tells all editors involved in the content dispute to comply with Wikipedia policies and make their case to their opponents, and not to ArbCom. No 10 0 0 0
Editors encouraged ArbCom reminds the editors that article talk pages exist, as well as a whole raft of content-dispute-resolution fora which are better suited for the underlying issue than ArbCom is or ever will be. No 10 0 0 0
Future proceedings ArbCom places a moratorium of 60 days before any of the parties files another request with regard to user conduct issues in the Chabad movement topic area. If the behavioural situation escalates, then ArbCom will likely take up a follow-up case to force a correction, but they will not litigate the content dispute under any circumstance. N/A 10 0 0 0
  • Decided: Mar. 09, 2010
  • Abbrev.: CoM
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: ChildofMidnight's gross incivility and aspersions-casting
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
ChildofMidnight banned ChildofMidnight is sitebanned 1yr. Yes 10 0 0 1[i]
ChildofMidnight restricted ChildofMidnight is indefinitely banned from editing pages outside of article space, talk pages of articles he's active on, the DYK template, and his own userspace. He is also banned from discussing other editors outside of his own user talk page, and is required to show cause to ArbCom to participate in dispute resolution in any capacity.
(This remedy has verbiage which assumes that other editing restrictions beside this and the siteban passed and that this remedy is time limited.)
Yes 10 0 0 1
  • Decided: Mar. 14, 2010 (Motion)
  • Abbrev.: D-SH
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Durova's and Shoemaker's Holiday's interactions with each other
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Motion for quick resolution In lieu of a full case, ArbCom passes a motion placing Durova and Shoemaker's Holiday under a mutual interaction ban indefinitely. Yes 8 1 0 4

A Nobody

  • Held in abeyance: Mar. 19, 2010
  • Closed: Mar. 11, 2021

(Case was opened and then immediately put into abeyance, with A Nobody sitebanned by ArbCom until they agreed to participate in the case. A Nobody would be community-banned shortly after for relentless sockpuppetry. While case was only formally closed in 2021, it had effectively been abandoned long before that point as overtaken by events.)

  • Decided: Apr. 10, 2010
  • Abbrev.: ASG
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Asgardian's conduct since AsTe
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Asgardian banned Asgardian is sitebanned 1yr. This would be upgraded to an indefinite siteban due to Checkuser-verified evasion of it after the case.
Asgardian would manage to successfully appeal the siteban via a private appeal to ArbCom in 2014. As a consequence, he accepted a one-account restriction, was topic-banned from the Marvel Comics topic area, and was on a very tight leash - one breach was grounds to reinstate the indefinite siteban.
-- Yes 9 1 0 0
Motion: Asgardian (September 2015) Asgardian's topic-ban from Marvel Comics is suspended for 1yr. During this time, the topic-ban may be summarily reinstated at administrator discretion for disruption, either by blocking him for misconduct in the topic area or by fiat. If the suspension period ends without the ban being reinstated (or with all reinstatements successfully appealed), it will automatically lapse. Sep. 18, 2015 Yes (reinstatement) 7 0 0 0

Alastair Haines 2

  • Decided: May 08, 2010

(This case was courtesy-blanked as part of its remedies, as was the prior case involving Alastair Haines. Alastair Haines is indefinitely sitebanned until they contact ArbCom and assure them the relentless legal threats will stop. Failing that, all mentions of Alastair on Wikipedia, including both of their Arbitration cases, will be courtesy-blanked in order to encourage them to disengage.)

  • Decided: May 11, 2010
  • Abbrev.: GBT
  • Type: Omnibus
  • Scope: User conduct in the Gibraltar topic area
  • CT?: Oct. 27, 2011 - Nov. 30, 2014 (remedy)

(One motion which updates the standard contentious topic template will be omitted for brevity.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Discretionary sanctions/Appeal of discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about Gibraltar as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log and can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. (See WP:Contentious topics for more details.)
(These two remedies combined are a Contentious Topic Designation v1.0 and so are combined for brevity.)
Nov. 30, 2014 Yes 8 0 0 2
Gibnews topic-banned Gibnews is topic-banned from the Gibraltar topic area for 1yr. -- Yes 8 0 0 2
Gibnews warned ArbCom warns Gibnews that any further misconduct, especially nationally or ethnically offensive comments, will lead to a summary and substantial block or siteban. -- No 8 0 0 2
Justin A Kuntz topic-banned Justin A Kuntz is topic-banned from the Gibraltar topic area for 3mo. -- Yes 8 0 0 2
Ecemaml Ecemaml is warned for tendentious editing and assuming bad faith of his opponents in content disputes. -- No 7 1 0 2
Editors reminded ArbCom notes that the need to adhere to policy is paramount in areas where real-life ethnopolitical conflict is a factor. -- No 8 0 0 2
Conflicts of interest ArbCom warns users who have some connexion to a party in the Gibraltar question (whether political parties, political groups, or websites) to not cite their own faction or allies or otherwise try to push the articles towards their faction's POV. -- No 8 0 0 2
  • Decided: May 23, 2010
  • Abbrev.: R-B
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Russavia's weaponisation of sanctions and the deteriorating situation in the former Soviet Union topic area
  • CT?: No[ii]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Russavia restricted The one-way interaction bans issued in EEML are all made mutual due to Russavia's attempts to weaponise them. -- -- Yes 8 0 0 0
Russavia admonished Russavia is admonished for posting personal information or communications of other editors. ArbCom is still failing to react to doxxing with the gravitas it deserves. -- -- No 7 0 0 0
Biophys topic banned Biophys is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the former Soviet Union topic area. This ban may be appealed to ArbCom after 1yr. -- Biophys ban rescinded Yes 8 0 0 0
Biophys restricted For the next year after the topic-ban above is successfully appealed, Biophys is under 1RR/week in the same topic area. This restriction may be appealed to ArbCom after 6mo. -- -- Yes 8 0 0 0
Vlad fedorov topic banned Vlad fedorov is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the former Soviet Union topic area. This ban may be appealed to ArbCom after 6mo. -- -- Yes 8 0 0 0
Vlad fedorov admonished Vlad fedorov is admonished for posting personal information of other editors. ArbCom is STILL failing to react to doxxing with the gravitas it deserves. -- -- No 8 0 0 0
Ellol topic banned Ellol[iii] is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the former Soviet Union topic area. This ban may be appealed to ArbCom after 6mo. -- -- Yes 7 0 0 0
YMB29 topic banned YMB29 " " "-" " " " " " " " " ". " " " " " " " " " ". -- "YMB29 topic banned" remedy vacated by motion Yes 7 0 0 0
"YMB topic banned" remedy vacated by motion[sic] YMB29's topic ban is replaced with a 1RR restriction in the same topic area for 1yr. May 06, 2011 -- Yes 7 2 3 0
Editors reminded ArbCom encourages editors to behave in the topic area - and if one can't, to find a topic area that they don't have such entrenched emotions about. -- -- No 8 0 0 0
Biophys ban rescinded Biophys topic banned is rescinded, activating Biophys restricted. He is also still subject to EE discretionary sanctions. June 19, 2011 -- N/A 11 0 0 0
  • Decided: August 24, 2010
  • Review closed: May 14, 2012
  • Abbrev.: R&I
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: POV-pushing about human intelligence/behaviour as influenced by race
  • CT?: Close - current (remedy)

(Remedies below refer to "the R&I area", which encompasses all articles about race, human behaviour and traits influenced by race, and any related topics.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors reminded and discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions in or about the R&I area as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log and can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly.
(The original version only covered articles in the R&I area.)
Amd: "Editors reminded and discretionary sanctions" reworded -- Yes 9 0 0 1
Mathsci topic-banned by mutual consent Mathsci accepts a voluntary and indefinite topic-ban from articles in the R&I area, which ArbCom endorses. -- Mathsci topic ban rescinded Yes 9 0 0 1
David Kane topic-banned David Kane is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the R&I area. -- -- Yes 9 0 0 1
Captain Occam topic-banned Captain Occam " " "-" " " " " " ". -- Captain Occam siteban lifted Yes 9 0 0 1
Mikemikev site-banned and thereafter topic-banned Mikemikev is sitebanned 1yr. Once that ban lapses or is lifted, he is required to choose an account. He is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the R&I area and must edit Wikipedia from the chosen account and no other at that point. -- -- Yes 9 0 0 1
Evidence sub-pages Within a week of this case's close, any user subpages used solely for the purpose of gathering/hosting evidence for the case must be deleted (ideally via G7 speedy deletions) or courtesy-blanked. -- -- No 9 0 0 1
Review: Mathsci admonished Mathsci is admonished for engaging in battlefield conduct.[userlinks template omitted] May 14, 2012 (review) -- 5 3 0 0
Review: Ferahgo the Assassin and Captain Occam site-banned As they have basically been caught proxying for one another in the topic area, Captain Occam and Ferahgo the Assassin are both indefinitely sitebanned. Each may appeal their ban after one year. May 14, 2012 (review) Ferahgo the Assassin siteban suspended
Captain Occam siteban lifted
Yes 6 1 0 0
Review: SightWatcher topic-banned SightWatcher is indefinitely topic-banned from the R&I area and from discussing the behaviour of editors working in that area outside of formal dispute resolution where their own conduct has been brought up. May 14, 2012 (review) -- Yes 7 0 0 0
Review: TrevelyanL85A2 topic-banned TrevelyanL85A2 " " "-" " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " ". May 14, 2012 (review) -- Yes 7 0 0 0
Mathsci topic-ban rescinded Mathsci topic-banned by mutual consent is rescinded. Mathsci remains aware of, and thus subject to, the contentious topic restrictions. Dec. 17, 2010 -- N/A 6 0 0 1
"Editors reminded and discretionary sanctions" reworded This rewords the contentious topic to include discussions and edits, not just articles. Apr. 15, 2011 -- N/A 12 1 0 0
Proxying prohibited The contentious topic is expanded to include restoring edits made in the R&I area by banned editors that have since been reverted. Sep. 24, 2012 -- Yes 9 0 0 0
Mathsci interaction bans mutual Cla68's, The Devil's Advocate's, and SightWatcher's one-way interaction bans from Mathsci (the former two's levied as enforcement) are all made mutual due to Mathsci's constant attempts to weaponise them, to the point he was made to show cause for any enforcement threads involving them. Sep. 17, 2013 -- Yes 6 0 0 0
Mathsci sitebanned For attempting to doxx Cla68, Mathsci is indefinitely sitebanned. He may appeal this after 6mo. Oct. 13, 2013 Mathsci unbanned Yes 11 0 0 0
Ferahgo the Assassin siteban suspended Ferahgo the Assassin's siteban is rescinded. In its place, she is indefinitely topic-banned from all areas save for palaeontology as regards avians and dinosaurs (and any related article reviews), may not participate in dispute resolution in any capacity (even to defend herself) without ArbCom's permission, and is under an indefinite mutual interaction ban with Mathsci. Mar. 28, 2014 -- Yes 13 1 0 0
Mathsci unbanned Mathsci's siteban is rescinded. In its place, he is indefinitely topic-banned from the R&I area. His interaction bans remain in place. Apr. 10, 2016 -- Yes 11 0 1 0
Ferahgo the Assassin topic-ban narrowed Ferahgo the Assassin's topic-ban is drastically narrowed to the R&I area, with ArbCom confirming a long-overshadowed-by-events topic-ban from 2010. Sep. 01, 2016 Ferahgo the Assassin restrictions lifted Yes 7 0 0 0
Captain Occam siteban lifted Captain Occam's siteban is rescinded. In its place, he is indefinitely topic-banned from the R&I area, under an indefinite mutual interaction ban with Mathsci, and may be summarily banned from any discussion he disrupts by any administrator. Bans issued this way are to be logged.
(This was handled in camera, with no public vote tally.)
Jan. 01, 2017 -- Yes ? ? ? ?
Mathsci restrictions lifted Mathsci's topic-ban is rescinded. His myriad interaction bans remain in force, and he is still considered aware of, and thus subject to, the contentious topic restrictions. Jan. 21, 2017 -- N/A 8 0 0 0
Ferahgo the Assassin restrictions lifted Ferahgo the Assassin's topic- and dispute-resolution bans are each suspended for 6mo. During this time, they may be summarily reinstated at administrator discretion for disruption, either by blocking her for misconduct in the topic area/dispute resolution or by fiat. If the suspension period ends without the ban being reinstated (or with all reinstatements successfully appealed), it will automatically lapse. Jan. 31, 2019 -- Yes (reinstatement) 8 2 0 0
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Stevertigo banned Stevertigo is indefinitely sitebanned with it being lifted conditional on Stevertigo to be placed on probation below. Yes 10 1 0 0
Stevertigo to be placed on probation As a condition of his ban being lifted, Stevertigo must accept some form of editing restriction, to be determined at least six months into his ban and discussed amongst the community or ArbCom. If he rejects any terms offered, he will not be able to negotiate the probation again for six months. Regardless of when this restriction is decided, the siteban won't be lifted before 1yr has passed. N/A 11 0 0 0
Stevertigo required to cite sources Stevertigo is required to source every article edit he makes to a source that explicitly corroborates the claims in it. Edits that don't cite a source are to be treated as obvious vandalism; those that cite poor sources or non-sequiturs are grounds for a summary block of up to 1w.
This restriction is in addition to any editing restrictions from Stevertigo to be placed on probation above.
Yes 11 0 0 0
  • Decided: Oct. 14, 2010
  • Abbrev.: CC
  • Type: Omnibus
  • Scope: Behaviour in the climate change topic area, and especially on biographies of living people in it
  • CT?: Close - current (remedy)

(The following remedies refer to "the CC area", which refers to articles and discussions about climate change and people associated with same, broadly construed. One post-case motion that updates the contentious topic templating will be omitted for brevity.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Climate change discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions in the CC area as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. This supersedes the existing community-designated contentious topic declaration. -- -- Yes 6 1 0 3
Climate change noticeboard superseded With the exception of threads still active at the time of this decision, the community sanctions noticeboard for climate change is to be shut down/marked as historical, with future threads being filed at Enforcement. -- -- N/A 8 0 0 3
Climate change topic bans: scope This remedy sets the scope of the topic area, as indicated at the top of this section.
(This was presented as effectively a bulleted list, with a post-close amendment clarifying bullet iii and adding a bullet iv which includes discussions in the area.)
Amd: Nov. 09, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 3
Climate change topic bans: Appeal Appeals of any topic bans issued as remedies will not be considered before 6mo have passed from the close of this case. Futher appeals after the first declined one are on 3mo intervals.
(This was amended to remove an extraneous sentence of description that did not otherwise affect how the remedy works.)
Amd: Nov. 09, 2010 -- N/A 7 0 0 3
Administrators who participate in Arbitration and Community Sanction enforcement ArbCom acknowledges that sanctions enforcement is among the more challenging and stressful administrator tasks on the project and encourages those admins who regularly participate in it to keep doing so while putting out a call for other admins to join in to help alleviate the burden. -- -- No 7 0 0 3
Use of blogs and self-published sources ArbCom reminds all editors, writ large, that biographical content cannot be sourced to blogs or self-published content, except in an WP:ABOUTSELF fashion for a claim no reasonable person could challenge (such as belief system or nationality). -- -- No 7 0 0 3
Project-wide policies remain in effect In essence, ArbCom is telling administrators that contentious topic designations are meant to supplement, not supersede, the project's behavioural policies and guidelines. Administrators may still sanction users for misconduct on their own regardless of whether the area where that misconduct occurred has been declared as part of a contentious topic. -- -- No 7 0 0 3
Biographies of living Persons As so much of the issue here revolves around biographical content about climate change scientists and deniers, ArbCom notes that WP:BLP is stricter than the norm for a reason, and urges more conservative behaviour when it comes to sourcing such content anywhere on Wikipedia. -- -- No 7 0 0 3
Administrators, Checkusers, and the Climate change topic area[sic] Administrators with experience in the topic area and Checkusers are asked to keep an eye out for new accounts who are likely to be sockpuppets of a particular (now inactive) banned user/long-term abuser while keeping any collateral damage to a minimum. Discussion of methods of identifying sockpuppet edits in this area should generally be conducted off-wiki, ideally in a forum that user cannot see or otherwise access. -- -- No 7 0 0 3
Deletion of evidence subpages Within a week of this case's close, any user subpages used solely for the purpose of gathering/hosting evidence for the case must be deleted (ideally via G7 speedy deletions). -- -- No 7 0 0 3
William M. Connolley topic-banned William M. Connolley is indefinitely topic-banned from biographies of living persons connected to the CC area.
(The original remedy was a blanket CC area topic-ban much like the sanctions immediately below.)
Oct. 26, 2011 -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Polargeo topic-banned Polargeo is indefinitely topic-banned from the CC area. -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Thegoodlocust topic-banned Thegoodlocust[iii] " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Marknutley topic-banned Marknutley " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Stephan Schulz administrator participation ArbCom basically declares Stephan Schulz to be involved in the CC area, and so he is effectively banned from discussing AE requests in the discussion section reserved for comments by uninvolved administrators or actioning same in that topic area. -- -- No (out of remit) 8 0 0 3
ChrisO instructed Since ChrisO attempted to dodge this Arbitration case by faking a vanish, ArbCom effectively sitebans him until such time as he is willing to contact ArbCom to resolve any outstanding issues. -- -- No 8 0 0 3
ChrisO topic-banned ChrisO is indefinitely topic-banned from the CC area. -- May 30, 2012 Yes 7 0 0 3
Minor4th topic-banned Minor4th " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
ATren topic-banned ATren " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Hipocrite topic-banned Hipocrite " " "-" " " " ". -- Climate Change (Hipocrite) Yes 6 0 1 3
Cla68 topic-banned Cla68 " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 4 0 2 3
Scjessey's voluntary editing restriction Scjessey voluntarily accepts an indefinite topic-ban from the CC area, with a carveout for routine cleanup-style edits.
(There is also a carveout for reverting obvious vandalism, which is unnecessary.)
-- Nov. 17, 2011 Yes 7 0 0 3
GregJackP topic-banned GregJackP is indefinitely topic-banned from the CC area. -- Sep. 24, 2012 Yes 7 0 0 3
A Quest For Knowledge topic-banned A Quest For Knowledge " " "-" " " " ". -- May 30, 2012 Yes 6 0 1 3
KimDabelsteinPetersen's voluntary editing restriction KimDabelsteinPetersen voluntarily accepts an indefinite topic-ban from biographies of livikng people, an indefinite 1RR in the CC area, and a six-month topic-ban from the CC area. -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
Verbal topic-banned Verbal is indefinitely topic-banned from the CC area. -- -- Yes 6 0 1 3
ZuluPapa5 topic-banned ZuluPapa5 " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 7 0 0 3
JohnWBarber topic-banned JohnWBarber " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 5 0 1 3
FellGleaming topic-banned FellGleaming " " "-" " " " ". -- -- Yes 6 0 0 3
Climate Change (Hipocrite) Hipocrite topic-banned is rescinded. They remain aware of, and thus subject to, CC discretionary sanctions. Aug. 12, 2020 -- N/A 6 0 2 0


Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Communicat topic-banned Communicat is indefinitely topic-banned from the World War II topic area. Appeals will not be entertained before six months have passed. Yes 13 0 0 2
Communicat restricted Communicat may be summarily blocked if they make an edit judged to be incivil, casting aspersions, or a personal attack. Blocks are capped at 1w for the first five (and 1yr thereafter) and logged on the case page. Yes 13 0 0 2
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about human longevity and the world's oldest people as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. -- Nov. 30, 2014 Yes 11 0 0 1
Ryoung122 topic-banned Ryoung122 is indefinitely topic-banned from the human longevity topic area. -- -- Yes 11 0 0 1
John J. Bulten banned John J. Bulten is sitebanned 1yr. -- -- Yes' 11 0 0 1
WikiProject World's Oldest People urged WP:WikiProject World's Oldest People is asked to find mentors who will help its members understand Wikipedia's norms, especially as regards original research. -- -- No 11 0 0 1
Deletion of evidence subpages Within a week of this case's close, any user subpages used solely for the purpose of gathering/hosting evidence for the case must be deleted (ideally via G7 speedy deletions). -- -- No 8 1 2 1
Motion:Longevity (August 2015) The contentious topic designation is reinstated, after having been rescinded nine months prior.
WikiProject World's Oldest People completely disregarded the request above, with issues flaring back up due to non-WOP members attempting to notify and enforce consensii achieved outside of WOP venues and the WikiProject's members - almost none of whom were involved or active when LGV was originally decided - edit-warring against them. This is due to what Ricky81682 described (when filing the amendment request) as a mindset that only WOP members could dictate policy for articles in its scope and a singular focus on editing subpages in the WikiProject's space. Ricky also noted that Jytdog had, on an AfD, listed all the participants based on whether or not they were WOP members to demonstrate their resistance to wider consensus; with the exception of one member all WOP members made Keep arguments based on the subject being listed in a source which they accepted, but the wider community did not.
Aug. 30, 2015 Oct. 19, 2023 Yes 9 0 0 0
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about the provenance and authorship of works attributed to William Shakespeare (hence "the Shakespeare authorship question") as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. Oct. 19, 2023 Yes 15 0 0 1
NinaGreen banned NinaGreen is sitebanned 1yr and indefinitely topic-banned from the Shakespeare authorship question, William Shakespeare, and Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of Oxford topic areas. -- Yes 15 0 0 1
Smatprt's community sanction endorsed ArbCom endorses Smatprt's 1yr topic ban from the William Shakespeare topic area issued by the community. Its end-date (Nov. 03, 2011) remains unchanged. -- Yes 13 0 1 1
  • Decided: Mar. 16, 2011
  • Abbrev.: KHR2
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Kehrli's conduct in metrology articles since KHR
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Kehrli topic-banned Kehrli didn't learn anything from the last case, and so is indefinitely topic-banned from the metrology topic area. Yes 13 0 0 0
  • Decided: Mar. 25, 2011
  • Abbrev.: MHP
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Today, Glkanter, Nijdam, Rick Block, Gill110951, and our viewing audience at home are invited to pick between three doors, behind two of which are sanctions and the last, a brand-new car! Will they choose or switch to the correct door, or will they be given the World's Worst Zonks as a result of their sterile bickering? Come and join us for Let's Make a Deal: Wikipedia Arbitration Edition!
  • CT?: Close - Nov. 30, 2014 (remedy)
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Glkanter banned Glkanter, shown a door with a goat behind it, sticks with the door he initially chose. Behind it is another goat, this one with a sign reading "1 YEAR BAN FROM WIKIPEDIA + INDEFINITE TOPIC BAN FROM MONTY HALL PROBLEM". -- Yes 10 2 0 0
Nijdam topic banned Nijdam, shown a door with a can of soda behind it, sticks with the door he initially chose. Behind it is another can of soda with the label replaced by "1 YEAR TOPIC BAN FROM MONTY HALL PROBLEM". -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Rick Block restricted Rick Block, shown a door with a turd behind it, sticks with the door he initially chose. Behind it is a sign written with feces: "1 YEAR ONE-REVERT-RESTRICTION ON MONTY HALL PROBLEM." -- Yes 10 2 0 0
Gill110951 reminded Gill110951, shown a door with a wind-up cymbal monkey behind it, sticks with the door he initially chose. Behind it is a new Chevrolet Citation, with a note about following good practise if one has a conflict of interest and is citing their own work. -- No 9 1 1 0
Discretionary sanctions The community, shown a door with a cartoon bomb behind it sticks with the door it initially chose. Behind it is an unlit cartoon bomb with words on it: "MONTY HALL PROBLEM IS A CONTENTIOUS TOPIC." Nov. 30, 2014 Yes 10 1 1 0
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Lsorin topic-banned Lsorin is indefinitely topic-banned from the Henri Coandă and history of the jet engine topic areas, with a carveout for responding to questions (within reason) on his user talk page about the Coandă-1910 aircraft. Appeals will not be entertained before six months have passed.
(The first remedy establishes the ban; the second the carveout. The latter also has two additional bullets which are, by today's standards, redundant.)
Yes 14 0 0 0
Scope of topic ban N/A 14 0 0 0


  • Closed: Apr. 06, 2011

(Closed as moot as overtaken by events. Rodhullandemu was indefinitely blocked independent of the Arbitration and his administrator rights revoked.)

  • Decided: Apr. 18, 2011
  • Abbrev.: NLE
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Noleander's conduct in the R&I area
  • CT?: No[v]
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Noleander topic-banned Noleander is indefinitely topic-banned from the Judaism and Jewish society topic areas. Appeals of this ban will not be considered before one year has passed, and attempting to lawyer around the ban is grounds for expanding it to the topic area he's trying to do it in. Yes 13 0 0 0
Discretionary sanctions ArbCom notes that Noleander's behaviour could - and should - have been dealt with earlier under R&I's contentious topic regime, and flatly tells administrators to consider using it going forward in cases similar to this. N/A 13 0 0 0
  • Decided: May 05, 2011
  • Abbrev.: AESH
  • Type: Admin
  • Scope: The enforcement block and unilateral unblock of Ludwigs2
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Dreadstar reminded Dreadstar - whose unblock of the controversial enforcement block on Ludwigs2 was the impetus for this case - is scolded for reversing the block with no discussion and in breach of procedure. -- No 12 0 1 0
Sandstein advised Sandstein - who levied the block in the first place - is scolded for not communicating enough before levying it and told to be more open and clear about taking such actions going forward. -- No 10 1 2 0
Ludwigs2 advised Ludwigs2 is scolded for being so blunt as to blow up a molehill into a mountain and to tone down the rhetoric and drama. -- No 11 1 1 0
Administrators advised (Both of these remedies point administrators to the large and more-bespoke-than-usual list of principles in this case, as they are ArbCom listing out best practises for Arbitration enforcement. These remedies were both rescinded when ArbCom modified policies around contentious topics and enforcement of same in May 2014.) May 03, 2014 N/A 11 0 1 0
Administrators reminded May 03, 2014 N/A 11 0 0 0

(Due to the circumstances surrounding their later departure from Wikipedia, one party's name will be omitted from this summary. It is still available on the case page itself.)

  • Decided: June 19, 2011
  • Abbrev.: RP
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Racepacket's harassment of others
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Racepacket banned Racepacket is sitebanned 1yr. -- Yes 9 2 0 3
Hawkeye7 admonished Hawkeye7 is admonished for blocking editors with whom he has had recent editorial disputes. -- No 7 3 0 3
Interaction ban Racepacket and the now-vanished user are indefinitely under a mutual interaction ban. This ban extends to all Wikimedia-controlled fora (i.e. mailing lists and other projects), and has a carveout only for formal Arbitration enforcement. Administrators who receive any such requests [to sanction the other party] are requested to inform the Arbitration Committee. -- Yes 11 0 0 3
Hawkeye7 restriction Hawkeye7 is banned from taking any administrative actions involving the now-vanished user. -- No (out of scope) 11 0 0 3
Racepacket's ban elevated Racepacket's siteban is extended to indefinite due to ArbCom finding out about two breaches of his interaction ban. They may appeal 1yr after this motion passing or the most recent breach of either of their bans. Feb. 11, 2012 Yes 10 0 1 0
  • Decided: July 15, 2011
  • Abbrev.: TS
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: The intractable dispute over the naming and content of an article about manipulating trees to grow into a specific shape
  • CT?: Close - Nov. 30, 2014 (Remedy)
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Blackash Blackash is topic-banned from discussions and edits about the name of the topic currently at tree shaping for 1yr. -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Sydney Bluegum Sydney Bluegum is topic-banned from the topic currently at tree shaping for 1yr. -- Yes 12 0 0 0
Slowart Slowart is topic-banned from discussions and edits about the name of the topic currently at tree shaping for 1yr. -- Yes 10 1 0 0
Article and subject scope As the locus of the issue is a content dispute over the name and the scope of the tree shaping article, that aspect of it is remanded to the community. The three named users above are allowed carveouts to their bans to present their proposals in a formal discussion and to answer specific questions about them. -- N/A 11 0 0 0
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about the topic currently at tree shaping as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. Nov. 30, 2014 Yes 11 0 0 0
Community restrictions superseded The remedies applied to Blackash, Bluegum, and Slowart supersede any prior community sanctions on them. -- N/A 10 0 0 0
  • Decided: Aug. 04, 2011
  • Abbrev.: MMN
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: MickMacNee's relentless incivility and conduct
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
MickMacNee banned MickMacNee is indefinitely sitebanned. They may appeal this remedy after one year. Yes 11 2 0 1
Δ admonished and warned Δ[vi] is warned in no uncertain terms if they continue to be an arse, ArbCom will issue stiffer sanctions. No 11 0 2 1

  • Decided: Sep. 10, 2011
  • Abbrev.: C&J
  • Type: Editor
  • Scope: Cirt's behaviour and his interactions with Jayen466 (severed from BLPM)
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Cirt topic-banned from new religious movement ("NRM") articles[sic] Cirt is indefinitely topic-banned from articles in the new religious movements topic area. -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Cirt restricted from political, religious, and social controversy biographies Cirt is indefinitely topic-banned from biographies of living persons where the subject is one or more of (1) a political figure; (2) a religious figure (including new religious movements); (3) a significant party in a social controversy. He may still edit articles related to those three, as long as neither the articles or his edits are biographical in nature. -- Yes 11 0 0 0
Cirt desysopped For admitted violations of the neutral point of view and biographies of living people policies, Cirt's adminitrator rights are revoked. He may only regain the tools through a new, successful request for adminship. -- N/A 6 5 0 0
Jayen466 reminded Jayen466 is reminded to adhere strictly to dispute resolution processes in any future dispute with any other editor. -- No 8 3 0 0
Cirt and Jayen interaction restriction Cirt and Jayen466 are indefinitely under a mutual interaction ban. Neither party may seek enforcement for violations except by emailing the Arbitration Committee (third parties may use AE as normal). -- Nyess (anyone but Cirt or Jayen) 10 1 0 0
Modified by motion Cirt is granted a carveout for his political/religious/social controversy ban allowing him to edit and participate in processes involving Dan Savage bibliography. May 03, 2012 N/A 8 0 0 0
October 2015 Cirt is granted a carveout for his new religious movement ban allowing him to edit and participate in processes involving Typewriter in the Sky. Oct. 24, 2015 N/A 10 0 1 0
  • Decided: Sep. 11, 2011
  • Abbrev.: BLPM
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Manipulation of biographies related to new religious movements
  • CT?: No
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Editors reminded Edits which include or alter information about living people must adhere to WP:Biographies of living persons regardless of where those edits are made. No 11 0 0 0
Editors urged ArbCom is essentially pointing at WP:Biographies of living persons/Noticeboard to remind the parties that this is a thing and should be used as a centralised location for reporting BLP violations. No 11 0 0 0
Parties urged ArbCom tells the parties to stop the bickering outside of formal dispute resolution fora. No 11 0 0 0
Future dispute resolution ArbCom sets a 30-day moratorium on filing new cases in the topic area (with the caveat that any new case brought should be about specific articles instead of the general "BLP" category) and encourages editors uninvolved in the disputes at the locus of this case to help moderate them. No 11 0 0 0
  • Decided: Oct. 05, 2011
  • Abbrev.: SI
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Nationalist dispute on Senkaku Islands
  • CT?: Close - Feb. 01, 2022 (Remedy)
Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
Tenmei topic banned indefinitely Tenmei is indefinitely topic-banned from the Senkaku Islands topic area. -- Yes 12 0 0 1
Tenmei advised Given the issues that popped up at TANG and now here, ArbCom urges Tenmei to rethink his approach to discussions on Wikipedia. -- No 7 4 0 1
Tenmei banned for one year Tenmei is sitebanned 1yr. -- Yes 10 1 0 1
Bobthefish2 topic banned Bobthefish2 is topic-banned from the Senkaku Islands topic area for 1yr. -- Yes 12 0 0 1
STSC warned STSC is warned about making sexually-charged comments during disputes. -- No 12 0 0 1
Parties warned ArbCom warns the parties that any further misconduct is likely to result in the summary imposition of sanctions - and the very next remedy puts a full stop on that statement. -- No 12 0 0 1
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions about the Senkaku Islands and their related territorial disputes as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. Feb. 01, 2022 Yes 12 0 0 1
Discretionary sanctions for naming of disputed islands in East Asia If there is a content dispute about how to name a chain of disputed East Asian islands, any administrator may put that chain under the above contentious topics regime for 6mo provided they place a warning on the talk page(s) of the affected article(s) a month in advance. May 03, 2014 Yes 9 2 0 1
  • Decided: Nov. 28, 2011
  • Abbrev.: AB
  • Type: Dispute
  • Scope: Intractable naming and content disputes in the abortion topic area
  • CT?: Close - current (Remedy)

(The remedies below refer to "the AB area", which refers to all edits and pages about abortion and the politics thereof, broadly construed.)

Remedy name Remedy (in modern terms) Enacted/Amended Rescinded Enforceable? Sup Opp Abs Rcs
IP editing prohibited For the next three years, pages in the AB area may be summarily semi-protected by any uninvolved administrator as arbitration enforcement; until Dec. 07 2011 this was effectively a hard-requirement. Editors active in the area are allowed to create a single-purpose sockpuppet account solely to edit in the area without connecting it to their main account.
(The original wording mandated semi-protection for all such articles; the amendment downgraded it to a semi-mandate and extended the timer to 3 years past the motion.)
Motion: Semi-protection authorisation -- Yes 7 5 0 3
Administrators instructed Editors and administrators both are barred from page moves in the AB area barring an explicit consensus to do so (i.e. a requested move or similar discussion). -- -- Yes 12 0 0 3
Editors reminded ArbCom bluntly tells the parties and other editors in the topic area that there will be zero tolerance for POV-pushing or tribalism in the AB area. -- -- No 12 0 0 3
Discretionary sanctions Provided the person being sanctioned has been alerted to the existence of this remedy, any administrator may summarily sanction a user who disrupts pages and discussions in the AB area as they see fit. Any sanctions or warnings issued this way (both directly and consequentially) must be logged on the case page/centralised log, and for the first year they can only be appealed to WP:Arbitration/Requests/Enforcement or to ArbCom directly. This supersedes the existing community sanctions, with ArbCom endorsing any actions taken under it as discretionary sanctions.
(This originally also included a 1RR in the AB area due to taking over the community sanctions regime.)
Motion: 1RR revoked -- Yes 12 0 0 3
Systematic discussion and voting on article names A community discussion on the names for the articles about the two prevalent factions on abortion will be held and will run for one month. While the discussion is going on, participants must gather reliable sources that show which names are used most frequently for each faction. After the discussion, the community will hold a straw poll to decide the names for those articles; this poll's result is binding for three years following its conclusion.
(The articles were ultimately named Abortion-rights movements and Anti-abortion movements.)
-- -- N/A 10 0 0 3
Orangemarlin instructed As Orangemarlin missed almost all of the case due to health issues, he must contact the Arbitration Committee when he returns to active editing to address the issues raised in this Arbitration. -- -- 11 0 1 3
Michael C Price topic-banned Michael C Price is indefinitely topic-banned from the AB area. They may appeal this sanction after 1yr. -- -- Yes 6 5 1 3
Gandydancer advised Gandydancer is advised to subdue the tone of comments in heated discussions. -- -- No 8 3 0 3
Anythingyouwant topic-banned Anythingyouwant is indefinitely topic-banned from the AB area.
(N.B. This does not include a time limit on appeals, so it can be assumed they could appeal it immediately.)
-- -- Yes 12 0 0 3
Haymaker topic-banned Haymaker is indefinitely topic-banned from the AB area. They may appeal this sanction after 1yr. -- Motion: Haymaker's topic-ban Yes 9 1 0 3
NYyankees51 reminded NYyankees51 is reminded abortion tends to be a delicate topic area and is reminded to tone down the aggression. -- -- No 11 0 1 3
Geremia topic-banned Geremia is indefinitely topic-banned from the AB area.
(N.B. This does not include a time limit on appeals, so it can be assumed they could appeal it immediately.)
-- -- Yes 12 0 0 3
DMSBel topic-banned DMSBel " " "-" " " " ".
(N.B. " " " " " " " " ", " " " " " " " " " ".)
-- -- Yes 11 1 0 3
Motion: Semi-protection authorisation This downgrades the semi-protection from a mandate into a semi-mandate, and requires any protection done this way to be logged as a discretionary sanction. It also resets the duration of IP editing prohibited to Dec. 07, 2014. Dec. 06, 2011 -- Yes 7 1 0 3
Motion: Haymaker's topic-ban Haymaker's topic-ban is rescinded. They are still on notice of, and subject to, discretionary sanctions in the AB area. July 12, 2014 -- N/A 8 1 0 0
Motion: 1RR revoked The 1RR authorised as a community sanction and subsequently taken over is rescinded. The remainder of Discretionary sanctions remains intact. Sep. 22, 2020 -- N/A 10 2 0 0


  1. ^ Despite the vote totals on the main case page there is one recused Arbitrator.
  2. ^ Locus of case falls entirely into the EE area.
  3. ^ a b User has exercised their right to vanish.
  4. ^ Locus of case intersects with the EE area.
  5. ^ Locus of case falls entirely into the R&I area.
  6. ^ Pronounced "delta"