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Wormhole Gate 313

Wormhole Gate 313 is an online multiplayer cooperative gameplay shooter game involves two or more players playing on a team, developed and published by Wormhole Studio. The game is a prototype, a proof of concept, a roadmap towards simulating a real world from big bang until the emergence of life and consciousness. The game has a scientific meaning and moral lesson and truth message and has impact on the Meaning of life. The game simulate a real world in all its aspects and concepts (genetic, physics and humanities) to find the so called "Super-world" (concept introduced in the game).

The game is based on mods that the player can choose at the starting of the game. In the game, up to one hundred players spawn onto a castle and search for herbs and coins and equipment to kill enemies while avoiding getting killed themselves. The available game's time decreases while playing the game. The last player or team standing wins the game. The game new release planned to includes many features such as battle royale game mod.

Wormhole Gate 313, a free-to-play mobile game, was first released in 2020 on Android platform.


Wormhole Gate 313 is a player versus enemies shooter game in which up to one hundred players fight together, a type of large-scale last man standing deathmatch where players fight to remain the last alive. Players can choose to enter the match solo, duo, or with a small team. The last person or team alive wins the game.

The game start in a castle were the last survival of the human races, and after a big destruction that happens in our solar system due to unknown event in the sun core, will try to figure out how to use a wormhole to travel to a distance galaxy to collect 10 special herbs needed to restore peace and love and to open a new world. The last survival will be facing many challenges...

At the end of game, and after collecting the 10 herbs and 10 diamonds, the player needs to discover how to extract chemical elements called Avidian by unlocking the reasoner world which can be done by answering one question proposed by an AI reasoner that uses a forward chaining propositional logic for inference/analysis. The gate 313 is hidden in the game and depends on the player personality. At the end of the game, the following message will be shown: “Welcome to Avida: By thinking and with logic and the first principle knowledge (causality…), we created matter and worlds according to some interpretation, now after your arrival here prepare yourself to a new thinking adventure …”

Scientific message

This game has a scientific message [1] to transmit about open problems that the scientific community still questioning, namely, the theory of quantum gravity and the theory of consciousness. The game uses genetic algorithm and general relativity and quantum effects with reinforcement learning and a reasoner in different context to shed some insight on these problems.

The Mini-map, on the top right of the screen, shows the evolution of a parallel universe back in time to the quantum gravity era, were the Ekpyrotic scenario (cyclic universe) was adopted in the animation, followed by the inflation and the quark gluon plasma formation to the galaxy and planet formation until the beginning of the first amino acid and the appearance of the first cell. The game simulates, in the parallel universe, one chromosome with five gene and makes evolution of cells according to the genetic algorithm were cells evolve and acquire new functionalities with time. Aggregation of cells is assumed according to reinforcement learning and the emergence of the neural network and the humans and the acquisition of sight and hearing is simulated with genetic algorithm. After that, the Mini-map shows the training of an RL character with a Decision tree artificial intelligence to acquire some instinct rules from facts based on five states (can see, can hear, taking damage, dealing damage, critical health) and three actions (flees, attack, explore). We didn’t include emotion in the learning episodes. At the end of the training the player will be facing artificial intelligence. Moreover, we included in the game a geodesic solution for general relativity when approaching a black hole, and quantum tunneling effects can be seen in the game. The goal of the game is to favorite the simulation hypothesis of the universe were some effects like quantum interference can be understood within this framework by comparing it to ray tracing algorithm. General relativity effects can be due to the complexity limitation in a limited world/resources. The game point out to a designer or more generally to a CREATOR.


The game's concept and design was inspired from the real life in the hope to create an artificial life. Each product in the game, (e.g. Artificial intelligence, reasoner, perception, falling to black hole) took years of working and was introduced to imitated real life it took many trial and error to conceive each part. The game is under development and far from being completed and there is long time ahead in order to complete different tasks that are planned for the game e.g

  1. Introduce evolution of characters based on true physical laws and true 'genetic rules' to create new species, texture, rigging, skeleton etc...
  2. Randomize resources (energy, chemical elements, food, etc..) that player can found
  3. Include mechanism for creating new resources from chemical synthesis and extraction of materials that can be used by the player to construct tools e.g. new materials, weapons etc..
  4. Environment dynamics based on real life simulation
  5. Ecosystem interaction
  6. Improve artificial intelligence which include other than reasoner and learning different state of mind like emotion and other thinking tools like attention planing etc...
  7. Implement a dynamical generation of rules sets from physical theories where players can choose their own universe and write their own stories according to their personalities to acquire abilities. The types of winners can be set in the game were rewards or fitness function that is the abilities to find more resources is set according to the pathway taken by the players which is guided by his motivations that can be either good or bad. Each stories will be registered and analyzed for future development.
  8. Complex system interconnection, Strategic mixed with shooter game, where player will have the choice to be involved in different context.


Faster development was possible with the game engine Unreal Engine 4.


  1. ^ Salah Hamieh, On the Simulation Hypothesis and Its Implications, Journal of Modern Physics, Vol.12 No.5