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Wikipedia Reflection Essay

When I began working with Wikipedia, I could not have imagined I would be so satisfied with my experience. Considering the website has been in existence nearly my whole life, I have known about Wikipedia for as long as I can remember, utilizing it often. However, the thought of contributing to the site has never been one to cross my mind until this quarter. It was an experience that seemed beyond me, the interface looks old and something as simple as having to know basic code felt frightening. It was intimidating and felt risky, I did not want to mess it up, or worse, have my ideas rejected by the tight-knit community. With all the tools and assistance provided, I was able to gain confidence and develop a final product that I am undoubtedly proud of.

Part of Wikipedia’s charm is the ability to write about nearly any topic you can think of. As I searched for potential articles, I chose to explore topics in online gaming. As a result, I created an article for the popular streamer, Tim Betar (TimtheTatman). Online gaming, and its community, is something that I hold dear and to be able to write about a figure in that realm was really exciting for me. By finding this intrinsic motivator, my urge to develop a polished article became much stronger than I ever thought it could. We spent a lot of time in class deciphering between the many motivations that help retain members in a community and the idea of intrinsic motivation was a factor present in nearly all of them. As I continued to work, I began to embody these intrinsic philosophies. The task at hand became less about the required course work and more about a topic and community that I cared about.

The WikiEdu tutorials and trainings were pivotal to my success. The programs worked to bridge the gap between the confusing Wikipedia interface and the creative process of writing an article. This training provided the opportunity to practice contributing without the fear of ruining a webpage. These low-risk exercises encouraged me to keep going and allowed me to build confidence in using the system. However, not everyone has the privilege of a university course to guide them. As Wikipedia continues to push for more editors, they may benefit from a program like WikiEdu for new users. A place with a clean, easy-to-use interface that allows users to learn community expectations, test their skills and immerse themselves into the community at whatever pace they see fit.

While Wikipedia has its own communities nested within the broader website, many of these groups are inactive. I believe participation would benefit from a more user-friendly interface and space for discussion, such as a forum. By removing the need for HTML to utilize talk pages and respond to ideas and issues, new users may feel compelled to participate in a conversation and ask a question without running the risk of mistyping code. This is important because a general aesthetic can make a massive difference. I enjoyed using the WikiEdu page because it was pleasing to look at and easy to follow; it is hard to say the same about Wikipedia. Additionally, we discussed “fun” as being one of the biggest motivators to drive participation in online communities. Perhaps Wikipedia could capitalize on “fun” by helping new users get acquainted with articles, people and community projects that align with their interests from the start. This could be done through a simple survey upon registration, for example. Intrinsic motivations are challenged by the user-experience. I think a process such as this would instill a sense of purpose in users from the beginning.

Another simple suggestion I would consider is the addition of profile pictures for users. Often, we tend to forget that there is a face behind the text, that people of many different backgrounds are coming together to contribute to the public good of knowledge. Even if a profile picture is something other than an image of the user, something related to the individual’s personality also allows others to form connection through potential common interests. These human facets help mold bonds-based connections throughout the community. Putting faces to names makes the experience as a whole much more intimate.

Throughout this experience, I learned the importance of notability, sourcing, and producing quality content. Wikipedia is much more than a place where anyone can write anything they want on a webpage. Rather, Wikipedia is a space for knowledge to be shared and refined. My perceptions shifted as I was challenged to raise the level of notability for my article. It took more than popularity to establish notability, there had to be evidence of impact by the individual. Wikipedia’s standards aim to meet the criteria of an encyclopedic text, providing reputable information for its visitors.

After my experience, I plan to contribute to places in which I feel drawn to, to make simple edits in passing, and to provide feedback if I feel compelled. This new understanding of what goes on behind the scenes of each article has completely altered my perspective of what Wikipedia’s mission is. Furthermore, I have been equipped with the proper tools to help. My hope for Wikipedia is that they continue to make improvements that facilitate participation through a user-friendly experience.