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Celtic Dreadlocks

Locks or Dreadlocks in Celtic Society may have been associated with The Celtic Goddess Epona as well as found on Ancient celtic coins.

& in Pre-Columbia, & Africa,  & Hinduism

All groups celts we're associated with.

It was a form of Cultural Status for Shamanism

And could play a role in Status do to

Depictions on Celtic Coins.

as well as a hair Pick found in East Lothian Scotland dated 200 AD.

Celtic beliefs have Traits similar to the Verdic beliefs from Hinduism. Celts are Indo European as well as having Hispanic roots The Celtiberians called Hispano Celto, the Indo European Migrations date back to some say as early as 8000-5000 BCE, while others put it fairly late, after 3000 BCE—but it's clear that by the third millennium (3000-2000 BCE)

Brahmin of Verdic culture is Similar to The Druids both wear White and both are leaders healers and medicine people. And religious leaders The word Brugh can be found In Celtic languages and in Sanskrit. Celtic and Verdic influences found here,%2Dseven%20%E2%80%9Cstar%20wives.%E2%80%9D

not only do Celts have history with India but many different countries such as Morroco Africa, Asia , Lands outside of Greece , Spain, Western Europe, Central America, South America. This Photo taken in Morocco North Africa

Celtic Triple Spiral in Morocco North Africa

Also La Téne Pottery found in Peru & Pre- Columbia. Muisca religion being Similar to Celtic Paganism.

Morocco and Spain

have a long history of

brutal battles and

conflicts that dates

back to 146 BC


The Celts Most likely went to South & Central America either in 50BC or 58BC after The Gallic Wars or After The Battle of the Isère

121 BC The Mummies in Nazca Peru are about 146 BC

AD 476 years old They have Red Hair in Dreadlocks buried like the celtic burial site found in 1992.

Celtic burials were found, one of which was a warrior burial. Based on the typological characteristics of the finds from three graves dated to the second century BC, the La Tène cemetery at Veliko Polje in Zvonimirovo has been ascribed to the territory of the Balkan Celtic Taurisci tribe.

Dreadlock or locks can be seen on Ancient gaulish coins , and Diodorus Siculus wrote section

5.28. The Gauls are tall, with rippling muscles, and white of skin, and their hair is blond, and not only naturally so, but they also make it their practice by artificial means to increase the distinguishing colour which nature has given it. For they are always washing their hair in lime-water, and they pull it back from the forehead to the top of the head and back to the nape of the neck, with the result that their appearance is like that of Satyrs and Pans, since the treatment of their hair makes it so heavy and coarse that it differs in no respect from the mane. So they pulled long locks hardened , back using a lime substance & Shaved the back of the Neck.,differs%20in%20no%20respect%20from

The Nazca lines are c. 200 bce–600 ce years old so The La Téne symbols made by the Nazca people would be after The Celts migration. Ancient Gaulish coins that show Dreadlocks as described.

The Gallic Chieftain Vercingetorix. Most people would say that Romans said They had Snakes for Hair but that has no Evidence & has no written information From Roman Sources.