Talk:Ó Gadhra Chiefs of the Name

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Four Masters

  • M1217.4. Donnell O'Gara died.
  • M1227.8. Donslevy O'Gara, Lord of Sliabh Lugha, was slain by Gillaroe, his own brother's son, after the latter had, on the same night, forcibly taken a house from him and Gillaroe himself was afterwards put to death for this crime by the devise of Hugh O'Conor.
  • M1228.2. A great war broke out in Connaught between the two sons of Roderic O'Conor, Hugh and Turlough, after the death of the Hugh above-mentioned, for the younger son did not yield submission to the elder; and they destroyed Connaught between them, and desolated the region extending from Easdara Ballysadare, southwards, to the river of Hy-Fiachrach, excepting only a small portion of Sliabh Lugha, and the territory of the people of Airtech.
  • M1228.5. Murtough, the son of Flaherty O'Flanagan, was slain by the sons of Teige O'Gara.
  • M1237.9. A prey was taken by Conor, son of Cormac, from Rory O'Gara, and Rory's brother was slain.
  • M1241.8. Teige, the son of Rory O'Gara, died.

After 1324

  • M1325.3. Gilchreest Cleireach Mac Dermot and Brian O'Gara died.
  • M1328.10. Donough Roe O'Gara and five of his tribe were killed.
  • M1328.16. Teige, son of Turlough O'Conor, was slain by Dermot O'Gara.
  • M1329.8. Teige, the son of Turlough, son of Mahon O'Conor, was slain by O'Gara and the people of Airteach.