Portal:Guatemala/Did you know

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Did you know 1

Portal:Guatemala/Did you know/1

  • The Guatemalan Revolution, which lasted from 1944 to 1954, included an agrarian reform program that granted land to half a million landless peasants.

Did you know 2

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Did you know 3

Portal:Guatemala/Did you know/3

  • The cult of Maximón (or San Simón) in the highlands of Western Guatemala venerates a cigar-smoking effigy with offerings of money, alcoholic spirits and tobacco.

Did you know 4

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  • Remittances are the major source of foreign income for Guatemala, accounting for more than the combined value of exports and tourism.

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  • El Mirador was by far the most populated city in Pre-Columbian America and contains the second largest pyramid in the world by volume.

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  • Tecún Umán, a legendary king of the K'iche-Maya people, is controversially acclaimed as Guatemala's national hero.

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Did you know 12

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Did you know 13

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  • ... that fragments of ancient Maya books have been recovered from the ruins of Guaytán in Guatemala?

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  • ... that the Guatemalan labor organization Committee for Peasant Unity once led a strike that forced a minimum wage increase of nearly 200%?

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