List of Canadian plants by genus C

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Below is a list of Canadian plants by genus. Due to the vastness of Canada's biodiversity, this page is divided.

Many of the plants seen in Canada are introduced, either intentionally or accidentally. N indicated native and X indicated exotic. Those plants whose status is unknown are marked with a ?.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I J K | L | M | N | O | P Q | R | S | T | U V W | X Y Z




  • Chaerophyllum — chervils
    • Chaerophyllum procumbens var. procumbensspreading chervil
    • Chaerophyllum procumbens var. shortii
  • Chamaedaphne — leatherleafs
    • Chamaedaphne calyculataleatherleaf, dwarf cassandra
  • Chamaesyce — spurges
    • Chamaesyce polygonifoliaseaside spurge, seaside sandmat, sea milk-purslane
    • Chamaesyce vermiculatawormseed spurge, wormseed sandmat, hairy spurge, hairy-stemmed milk-purslane
  • Chelone — turtleheads
  • Chenopodium — goosefeet
  • Chimaphila — pipsissewas
    • Chimaphila maculatastriped pipsissewa, striped wintergreen, spotted wintergreen, striped prince's pine Endangered
    • Chimaphila umbellatapipsissewa, prince's pine
  • Chrysanthemum — daisies
  • Chrysosplenium — saxifrages
    • Chrysosplenium americanumgolden saxifrage, American watermat, American golden saxifrage
    • Chrysosplenium tetrandrumalternate-leaf watermat, northern golden saxifrage, northern golden-carpet



  • Cladium — twigrushes
    • Cladium mariscoidestwigrush, smooth sawgrass
  • Claytonia — spring beauties
  • Clematis — virgin's-bowers
  • Clinopodium — dog mints
  • X Clinopodium acinos (syn. Acinos arvensis) – mother-of-thyme, spring savoury, basil thyme
  • Clinopodium vulgaredog mint, wild basil, cushion calamint
  • Clintonia — blue-bead lilies
    • Clintonia borealisblue-bead lily, cornlily, poisonberry, yellow clintonia






See: Flora of Canada#References