User:Mr. Ibrahem/priorviews/bylang/de

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  • All links: 1,338
    • With (de) translations: 63
      • With translators: 58
  • Views: 92,053,153 (from July 2015 to June 2023)
  • Words: 198,251


count users
6 Rjh
3 Sven Jähnichen
2 Cvf-ps, Hannes Röst, JWBE, Kuebi, Peter200
1 Actionfilmsammler, Ana al'ain, Anthony Appleyard, Anypodetos, Ayacop, Bahnsen, Blogotron, Boonekamp, Calavrezos, Cepheiden, Corrigo, Dr0to, Edgar181, Espoo, Frankee 67, Ghilt, Helohe, IPFeditor, InternalMedicine, Jiekeren, Kreuz Elf, Küchenkraut, Martin Waldhausen, Matthias M., Meloe, Muck, Mätes, NicoWachter, ProloSozz, Repat, Riedborn, S3r0, Spuk968, Superhappyboy, TruebadiX, Umherirrender, Wikipediaphil, Wilsonchas, XXYpride

by section

Emergency medicine

  • section links: 292
  • with (de) translations: 6
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Abortion Schwangerschaftsabbruch 2,440,117 18129 Küchenkraut
2 Measles Masern 3,192,806 2927 Actionfilmsammler 2003-01-27
3 Vitamin B12 deficiency Vitamin-B12-Mangel 752,405 2842 Wilsonchas
4 Common cold Erkältung 1,535,923 3580 Muck 2004-01-11
5 Aspiration pneumonia Aspirationspneumonie 235,077 702
6 Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis Idiopathische Lungenfibrose 174,596 7122 IPFeditor 2007-02-06


  • section links: 130
  • with (de) translations: 4
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Ectopic pregnancy Extrauteringravidität 542,843 4239 Anthony Appleyard
2 Klinefelter syndrome Klinefelter-Syndrom 1,574,378 3224 XXYpride 2004-04-08
3 XYY syndrome XYY-Syndrom 545,952 1134 Meloe 2005-07-20
4 Xeroderma pigmentosum Xeroderma pigmentosum 474,232 727

Brain, mind, endo, and senses

  • section links: 130
  • with (de) translations: 6
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Alcoholism Alkoholkrankheit 2,277,892 13898 Blogotron
2 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung 3,601,226 12242 Espoo 2002-07-29
3 Multiple sclerosis Multiple Sklerose 6,377,065 5139 Umherirrender 2001-09-24
4 Near-sightedness Kurzsichtigkeit 1,074,485 574 TruebadiX 2003-05-10
5 Wilson's disease Morbus Wilson 852,252 3479 Peter200
6 Dissociative identity disorder Dissoziative Identitätsstörung 2,607,584 426

NTD and other ID

  • section links: 60
  • with (de) translations: 8
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Rift Valley fever Rifttalfieber 92,514 620 Sansculotte 2003-08-26
2 Yellow fever Gelbfieber 1,031,154 3540 Hannes Röst 2004-03-25
3 Female genital mutilation Weibliche Genitalverstümmelung 2,905,785 21465 Matthias M. 2004-03-19
4 Ebola Ebolafieber 1,065,918 2590 Repat
5 Malaria Malaria 2,797,224 5307 Kuebi 2003-10-20
6 HIV/AIDS AIDS 2,944,107 7641 Martin Waldhausen 2002-09-07
7 Meningitis Meningitis 2,718,972 4382 Spuk968 2010-02-03
8 Monkeypox Affenpocken 1,332,017 411 Uwe Gille 2006-07-14


  • section links: 1
  • with (de) translations: 0

Anatomy and others

  • section links: 3
  • with (de) translations: 0


  • section links: 6
  • with (de) translations: 0


  • section links: 45
  • with (de) translations: 1
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Multiple myeloma Multiples Myelom 1,630,367 2639 Anypodetos 2004-10-05

Other drugs - procedures

  • section links: 203
  • with (de) translations: 11
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Lysergic acid diethylamide LSD 3,511,445 3899 Wikipediaphil 2001-08-24
2 Sildenafil Sildenafil 2,633,749 3387 Superhappyboy
3 Methylphenidate Methylphenidat 3,650,895 4241 Dr0to
4 Diclofenac Diclofenac 1,976,540 2225 Sven Jähnichen 2004-07-19
5 Insulin glargine Insulin glargin 221,166 1704 InternalMedicine 2009-04-14
6 Bupropion Bupropion 1,500,794 3002 Rjh 2007-03-29
7 Phenylephrine Phenylephrin 250,583 342 Sven Jähnichen 2006-08-04
8 Azelastine Azelastin 145,903 785 Rjh 2006-05-14
9 Benzatropine Benzatropin 22,648 241 Rjh 2003-02-20
10 Lansoprazole Lansoprazol 6,480 700 Kreuz Elf 2022-05-01
11 Triamcinolone Triamcinolon 234,866 929 Sven Jähnichen 2013-01-12

Essential meds

  • section links: 468
  • with (de) translations: 27
# title de views words translator creator time
1 Mumps vaccine Mumpsimpfstoff 25,255 812 Ghilt 2015-05-30
2 Dexamethasone Dexamethason 1,234,880 393 Edgar181 2004-05-21
3 Metronidazole Metronidazol 1,130,388 1007 Jiekeren 2005-02-27
4 Atropine Atropin 1,500,405 1536 Ana al'ain
5 Epinephrine Adrenalin 1,789,648 1870 Hannes Röst 2002-08-04
6 Ciprofloxacin Ciprofloxacin 1,386,986 2437 Cvf-ps 2004-03-31
7 Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol 379,658 821 Calavrezos 2004-02-02
8 Lidocaine Lidocain 1,871,134 2130 Peter200
9 Chloroquine Chloroquin 727,803 2339 Cvf-ps 2004-07-11
10 Betamethasone Betamethason 426,688 577 Helohe 2007-04-10
11 Influenza vaccine Grippeimpfung 670,372 6021 Riedborn 2003-10-28
12 Paracetamol Paracetamol 3,369,437 1128 Corrigo 2003-10-10
13 Ibuprofen Ibuprofen 3,836,834 2237 Frankee 67
14 Ketamine Ketamin 2,718,247 3549 Cepheiden 2003-06-09
15 Ivermectin Ivermectin 1,194,305 1160 Ayacop 2005-10-16
16 Aspirin Acetylsalicylsäure 2,895,247 4791 Boonekamp
17 Amphotericin B Amphotericin B 177,008 853 JWBE 2003-10-03
18 Prednisolone Prednisolon 1,648,502 636 Rjh 2005-10-03
19 Miconazole Miconazol 156,084 566 Rjh 2009-05-07
20 Permethrin Permethrin 703,404 2219 Mätes
21 Tetracycline Tetracyclin 342,244 744 S3r0 2005-01-09
22 Chlorhexidine Chlorhexidin 629,187 2076 ProloSozz 2004-07-02
23 Sodium nitrite (medical use) Natriumnitrit 433,153 881 JWBE 2003-11-03
24 Natamycin Natamycin 104,258 536 Rjh
25 Fentanyl Fentanyl 2,891,821 2293 NicoWachter 2004-05-07
26 Plazomicin Plazomicin 6,449 740 Bahnsen 2019-03-12
27 Thalidomide Thalidomid 871,796 3465 Kuebi 2004-03-17