User:Mr. Ibrahem/priorviews/bylang/ast

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  • All links: 1,338
    • With (ast) translations: 84
      • With translators: 69
  • Views: 886,362 (from July 2015 to June 2023)
  • Words: 291,984


count users
65 Tradubot
2 Vsuarezp
1 Doneusebio, Urriella

by section

Emergency medicine

  • section links: 292
  • with (ast) translations: 22
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Heart failure Insuficiencia cardiaca 11,247 3692 Vsuarezp 2018-07-02
2 Anemia Anemia 7,521 1938 Tradubot 2017-10-21
3 Influenza Gripe 35,092 11297 Tradubot 2012-05-16
4 Cystic fibrosis Fibrosis quística 7,660 9119 Tradubot 2018-10-31
5 Measles Sarampión 32,797 2775 Tradubot 2018-02-24
6 Myocardial infarction Infartu agudu de miocardiu 12,702 2321 Vsuarezp 2017-07-20
7 Lyme disease Enfermedá de Lyme 5,061 1989 Tradubot 2018-02-24
8 Cholera Cólera 32,062 1184 Astur 2012-05-16
9 Diphtheria Difteria 4,488 858 Tradubot 2018-02-24
10 Typhoid fever Fiebre tifoideo 5,423 2571 Tradubot 2018-02-24
11 Osteoporosis Osteoporosis 5,445 614 Tradubot 2017-10-22
12 Snakebite Mordedura de culiebra 2,916 4810 Tradubot 2018-06-17
13 Shingles Herpes zóster 8,476 3815 Tradubot 2018-08-03
14 Allergy Alerxa 8,143 233 Vsuarezp 2008-01-23
15 Bubonic plague Peste bubónica 50,395 3088 Tradubot 2018-02-24
16 Common cold Resfriáu común 6,640 2516 Tradubot 2015-11-17
17 Gastroenteritis Gastroenteritis 7,912 3381 Tradubot 2017-07-21
18 Hemorrhoid Hemorroides 10,231 2389 Tradubot 2017-10-26
19 Burn Quemadura 8,188 2635 Tradubot 2017-10-22
20 Frostbite Conxelamientu 3,124 1646 Tradubot 2018-02-24
21 Shock (circulatory) Choque circulatoriu 2,718 452 Tradubot 2018-02-24
22 Edema Edema 8,163 2141 Tradubot 2017-10-21


  • section links: 130
  • with (ast) translations: 3
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Endometriosis Endometriosis 2,534 1957 Doneusebio 2017-06-12
2 Down syndrome Síndrome de Down 9,986 3888 Tradubot 2018-02-24
3 Human papillomavirus infection Virus del papiloma humanu 7,060 7368 Tradubot 2018-10-25

Brain, mind, endo, and senses

  • section links: 130
  • with (ast) translations: 18
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Bipolar disorder Trestornu bipolar 7,458 10460 Tradubot 2018-02-24
2 Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Esclerosis llateral amiotrófica 5,939 2609 Tradubot 2018-03-16
3 Dyslexia Dislexa 4,884 3361 Tradubot 2017-10-22
4 Alcoholism Alcoholismu 9,042 946 Tradubot 2012-05-16
5 Obesity Obesidá 13,838 5569 Tradubot 2012-05-16
6 Schizophrenia Esquizofrenia 13,398 4250 Tradubot 2017-10-21
7 Suicide Suicidiu 20,424 6043 Tradubot 2015-11-17
8 Hypertension Hipertensión arterial 16,771 5916 Tradubot 2012-05-16
9 Asperger syndrome Síndrome d'Asperger 5,945 9651 Tradubot 2018-07-03
10 Fibromyalgia Fibromialxa 3,647 3896 Tradubot 2018-07-15
11 Coeliac disease Celiaquía 11,937 6542 Tradubot 2017-12-31
12 Irritable bowel syndrome Síndrome del intestín irritable 5,066 8597 Tradubot 2018-08-03
13 Borderline personality disorder Trestornu llende de la personalidá 4,287 10089 Tradubot 2018-08-07
14 Parkinson's disease Enfermedá de Parkinson 7,312 5548 Tradubot 2017-10-22
15 Major depressive disorder Trestornu depresivu mayor 6,427 12647 Tradubot 2018-02-24
16 Acromegaly Acromegalia 3,516 907 Tradubot 2017-12-31
17 Scurvy Escorbutu 4,238 753 Tradubot 2017-10-22
18 Autism Autismu 5,761 8866 Tradubot 2018-02-24

NTD and other ID

  • section links: 60
  • with (ast) translations: 14
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Leprosy Llepra 5,873 1777 Tradubot 2018-02-24
2 Yellow fever Fiebre mariello 5,119 1535 Tradubot 2018-02-24
3 Botulism Botulismu 3,350 1329 Tradubot 2018-02-24
4 Ebola Enfermedá pol virus del Ébola 13,248 2559 Tradubot 2018-02-24
5 Malnutrition Malnutrición 6,729 2075 Tradubot 2015-11-17
6 Malaria Malaria 15,809 2940 Tradubot 2012-05-16
7 Polio Poliomielitis 17,634 1310 Tradubot 2015-11-17
8 Dengue fever Dengue 13,877 6446 Tradubot 2018-02-24
9 Syphilis Sífilis 13,657 237
10 Tuberculosis Tuberculosis 13,326 85 Vsuarezp 2006-09-22
11 HIV/AIDS Sida 3,917 160 Vsuarezp 2006-09-21
12 Meningitis Meninxitis 6,229 7778 Tradubot 2017-10-22
13 Plague (disease) Peste 14,827 1585 Tradubot 2018-07-01
14 Smallpox Viruela 25,913 2548 Tradubot 2012-05-16


  • section links: 1
  • with (ast) translations: 0

Anatomy and others

  • section links: 3
  • with (ast) translations: 0


  • section links: 6
  • with (ast) translations: 1
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Tooth decay Caries 6,829 2484 Tradubot 2018-02-24


  • section links: 45
  • with (ast) translations: 6
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Cancer Cáncanu 14,495 608 Vsuarezp 2010-08-15
2 Leukemia Leucemia 7,981 2274 Tradubot 2018-02-24
3 Colorectal cancer Cáncanu colorreutal 4,157 6641 Tradubot 2018-02-24
4 Melanoma Melanoma 3,761 1155 Tradubot 2018-02-24
5 Lung cancer Cáncanu de pulmón 7,903 6809 Tradubot 2018-02-24
6 Non-Hodgkin lymphoma Linfoma non hodgkiniano 2,417 3142 Tradubot 2018-08-03

Other drugs - procedures

  • section links: 203
  • with (ast) translations: 7
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Cocaine Cocaína 29,782 5771 Tradubot 2017-10-21
2 MDMA MDMA 16,086 3917 Tradubot 2018-08-06
3 Heroin Heroína 20,201 4948 Tradubot 2018-08-03
4 Lysergic acid diethylamide LSD 17,061 5129 Tradubot 2017-12-31
5 Alprazolam Alprazolam 6,419 2535 Tradubot 2018-07-11
6 Sildenafil Sildenafilo 13,220 2578 Tradubot 2018-07-08
7 Naproxen Naproxeno 6,627 859 Tradubot 2018-07-09

Essential meds

  • section links: 468
  • with (ast) translations: 13
# title ast views words translator creator time
1 Morphine Morfina 7,772 150 Esbardu 2006-08-13
2 Epinephrine Adrenalina 12,577 1519 Tradubot 2018-02-24
3 Codeine Codeína 12,809 124 Esbardu 2006-08-13
4 Paracetamol Paracetamol 13,703 5433 Tradubot 2018-07-08
5 Aspirin Aspirina 11,955 108 Esbardu 2006-08-13
6 Folate Ácidu fólico 5,101 3836 Tradubot 2017-10-21
7 Hyoscine Escopolamina 20,388 1303 Tradubot 2017-10-22
8 Paclitaxel Paclitaxel 2,275 789 Urriella 2018-08-05
9 Riboflavin Vitamina B2 7,864 1811 Tradubot 2017-12-21
10 Thiamine Vitamina B1 10,136 1195 Tradubot 2017-10-21
11 Vitamin C Vitamina C 9,478 2855 Tradubot 2017-10-21
12 Condom Preservativu 7,020 5069 Tradubot 2017-10-07
13 Losartan Losartán 2,963 1251 Tradubot 2018-07-08