User:Mr. Ibrahem/priorviews/bylang/af statistics:
- All links: 1,338
- With (af) translations: 139
- With translators: 101
- With (af) translations: 139
- Views: 3,996,252 (from July 2015 to June 2023)
- Words: 87,655
count | users |
27 | Burgert Behr |
16 | Aliwal2012 |
13 | Naudefj |
10 | Wyatt Tyrone Smith |
8 | Oesjaar |
4 | Kenai123 |
3 | Michaelphillipr |
2 | BenBezuidenhout, Esta Grobler, KMRJ, Odriskelmac11, Rooiratel, Sobaka |
1 | AFM, Dalene de Vente, Dumbassman, K175, Lefcentreright, Loekie, Slashme, Wernigruenenfelder |
by section
Emergency medicine
- section links: 292
- with (af) translations: 42
- section links: 130
- with (af) translations: 10
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Menopause | Menopouse | 15,441 | 320 | Burgert Behr | 2018-01-21 | |
2 | Menstruation | Menstruasie | 57,764 | 1609 | |||
3 | Circumcision | Besnydenis | 33,198 | 2776 | Burgert Behr | 2016-12-29 | |
4 | Chlamydia | Chlamydia | 6,702 | 259 | Burgert Behr | 2019-11-27 | |
5 | Human papillomavirus infection | Menslikepapilloomvirus-infeksie | 23,586 | 377 | Burgert Behr | 2016-12-29 | |
6 | Scoliosis | Skoliose | 5,962 | 198 | Burgert Behr | 2019-04-17 | |
7 | Haemophilia | Hemofilie | 21,076 | 899 | |||
8 | Muscular dystrophy | Spierdistrofie | 18,005 | 74 | BenBezuidenhout | 2014-05-29 | |
9 | Birth defect | Aangebore afwyking | 1,910 | 546 | Wyatt Tyrone Smith | 2022-01-05 | |
10 | Achondroplasia | Achondroplasie | 717 | 397 | Burgert Behr | 2022-04-04 |
Brain, mind, endo, and senses
- section links: 130
- with (af) translations: 32
NTD and other ID
- section links: 60
- with (af) translations: 16
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Leprosy | Melaatsheid | 30,845 | 2088 | |||
2 | Rabies | Hondsdolheid | 37,606 | 1406 | Aliwal2012 | 2015-01-17 | |
3 | Trachoma | Tragoom | 818 | 993 | Aliwal2012 | 2022-05-14 | |
4 | Yellow fever | Geelkoors | 23,511 | 1054 | HOENDER | 2007-09-25 | |
5 | Ebola | Ebola | 21,430 | 377 | Naudefj | 2014-08-08 | |
6 | Malnutrition | Wanvoeding | 1,415 | 325 | Rooiratel | 2022-06-15 | |
7 | Malaria | Malaria | 63,903 | 609 | Davinci77 | 2006-02-10 | |
8 | Polio | Poliomiëlitis | 17,759 | 271 | Naudefj | 2014-07-20 | |
9 | Hepatitis B | Hepatitis B | 12,507 | 430 | Burgert Behr | 2018-04-20 | |
10 | Syphilis | Sifilis | 18,779 | 35 | |||
11 | Tuberculosis | Tuberkulose | 105,670 | 796 | Faresh | 2004-03-24 | |
12 | HIV/AIDS | Vigs | 139,515 | 432 | Davinci77 | 2006-11-28 | |
13 | Meningitis | Breinvliesontsteking | 184,207 | 1020 | |||
14 | Monkeypox | Aappokke | 5,914 | 625 | Sobaka | 2022-07-02 | |
15 | Smallpox | Pokke | 41,348 | 1695 | Oesjaar | 2015-01-08 | |
16 | Genital wart | Genitale vrat | 23,482 | 323 | Burgert Behr | 2016-12-30 |
- section links: 1
- with (af) translations: 0
Anatomy and others
- section links: 3
- with (af) translations: 1
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Heart | Hart | 99,936 | 2542 | Anrie | 2007-09-19 |
- section links: 6
- with (af) translations: 1
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Tooth decay | Tandbederf | 37,058 | 2189 | Kenai123 | 2016-10-13 |
- section links: 45
- with (af) translations: 8
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Brain tumor | Breingewas | 16,093 | 594 | K175 | 2020-02-10 | |
2 | Cancer | Kanker | 77,128 | 3320 | |||
3 | Leukemia | Leukemie | 31,211 | 362 | Marelize | 2005-01-30 | |
4 | Cervical cancer | Servikale kanker | 17,172 | 74 | Adriaan | 2006-06-14 | |
5 | Colorectal cancer | Kolorektale kanker | 96,639 | 736 | Burgert Behr | 2015-05-09 | |
6 | Breast cancer | Borskanker | 99,769 | 2196 | HOENDER | 2007-09-25 | |
7 | Prostate cancer | Prostaatkanker | 96,676 | 1864 | DieHond | 2006-09-30 | |
8 | Anal cancer | Anale kanker | 24,184 | 490 | Burgert Behr | 2016-12-30 |
Other drugs - procedures
- section links: 203
- with (af) translations: 5
# | title | af | views | words | translator | creator | time |
1 | Cocaine | Kokaïen | 44,962 | 274 | HOENDER | 2007-09-25 | |
2 | Heroin | Heroïen | 37,248 | 242 | Naudefj | 2008-06-19 | |
3 | MMR vaccine | MMR-entstof | 11,626 | 99 | Anrie | 2010-05-24 | |
4 | Sildenafil | Sildenafil | 5,204 | 199 | Burgert Behr | 2019-11-27 | |
5 | Atorvastatin | Atorvastatien | 2,049 | 192 | Aliwal2012 | 2018-01-02 |
Essential meds
- section links: 468
- with (af) translations: 24