This template is for creating interactive calculators. It requires the calculator gadget.
You can use this template multiple times on a page to make input widgets, with some of the widgets having formulas based on other widgets, like a spreadsheet
{{calculator|id=a|default=2|size=4}} × {{calculator|id=b|default=2|size=4}} = {{calculator|id=c|formula=a*b|default=4|size=8|readyonly=true|type=text}}
2 × 2 = 4
BMI calculator metric
{| class="wikitable" style = "float: left; margin-left:15px;" |+ Metric |- | Weight || {{calculator|id=weightkg|size=3}} kg |- | Height || {{calculator|id=heightcm|size=3}} cm |- | BMI || '''{{calculator|id=bmimetric|type=plain|formula=round(weightkg/pow(heightcm/100,2))|style=min-width:3ch;display:inline-block}} kg/m<sup>2</sup>''' |}
Weight | kg |
Height | cm |
BMI | kg/m2 |
BMI calculator imperial
You can put widgets inside tables:
<table class="wikitable"> <tr><td>Imperial</td></tr> <tr><td>Weight</td><td>{{calculator|id=weight|size=1}} lbs</td></tr> <tr><td>Height</td><td>{{calculator|id=heightFeet|size=1}} feet {{calculator|id=heightInches|size=1}} inches</td></tr> <tr><td>BMI</td><td>'''{{calculator|id=bmi|type=plain|formula=round(weight*703/pow(heightFeet*12+heightInches,2))}} kg/m<sup>2</sup>'''</td></tr> </table>
Imperial | |
Weight | lbs |
Height | feet inches |
BMI | kg/m2 |
Template arguments
Note: Not all arguments work on all input types.
- id
- The id for this field, used in formulas of other fields (Has to be english characters)
- default
- The starting value
- readonly
- Make field read only
- formula
- The formula to calculate this field. See below for what is supported
- type
- Type of field. Currently supported are plain, number, text, radio and checkbox
- size
- how big to make the input box (In terms of number of letters that can fit in the box)
- max
- Max number allowed (number type only)
- min
- Min number allowed (number type only)
- placeholder
- Placeholder text that shows up light grey when there is no input
- step
- How big the interval is for type=number inputs
- style
- Custom CSS to use for the element.
- name
- When using type=radio, the name of the radio group.
Formulas use normal math syntax, with english words representing other input boxes. e.g. sin(1+foo*2) would multiply the foo box by 2, add 1 and take the sine of the whole thing. All calculations are done using IEEE 754 double precision floating point numbers.
Operators supported include: +, -, *, ×, /, ÷, % (percent is the modulo operator). Exponentiation must use the pow() function.
Math functions supported include: 'abs', 'acos', 'acosh', 'asin', 'asinh', 'atan', 'atan2', 'atanh', 'ceil', 'cos', 'cosh', 'exp', 'floor', 'hypot', 'log', 'log10', 'log2', 'max', 'min', 'pow', 'random', 'round', 'sign', 'sin', 'sinh', 'sqrt', 'tan', 'tanh', 'trunc'
These have the same definition as in javascript. In particular, that means that log() is log base-e.
The following additional functions are supported which are not from javascript Math library:
- ifzero - if first argument is epsilon away from zero, return second argument, otherwise third argument
- ifnan - if first argument is not a number (NaN), return second argument, otherwise third argument
- iffinite - if the first argument is finite return second argument, otherwise return third argument.
- coalesce - return the first argument that is not NaN.
- ifpositive - if first argument is ≥ 0 return second, otherwise return third.
Numbers can be integers, decimals or scientific notation. For example: 1, 2.84543, 3.12E6, -5
The following constants are supported: Infinity, -Infinity, NaN, pi, π
At the moment, relational operators like ≤ or ≠ and IF statements are not supported. This might be added in a future version if needed. This can be worked around by using ifzero and ifpositive functions.
Add a calculator widget to the page. Like a spreadsheet you can refer to other widgets in the same page.
Parameter | Description | Type | Status | |
id | id | The id for this input. This is used to reference it in formula of other calculator templates | String | required |
type | type | What type of input box
| String | required |
formula | formula | Formula to calculate this field
| String | suggested |
readonly | readonly | Make input box readonly to user input | Boolean | optional |
size | size | Size of input box (How many characters it will fit) | Number | optional |
max | max | max number allowed (type=number inputs only) | Number | optional |
min | min | min number allowed (type=number inputs only) | Number | optional |
placeholder | placeholder | Text to put as a placeholder in empty input | String | optional |
step | step | How much to increment a type=number input box
| Number | optional |
default | default | Default value for this field | String | suggested |
style | style | CSS to style the input element with | String | optional |
name | name | For type=radio what group to assign the radio button to | Unknown | optional |