File talk:Map-of-world-cannabis-laws.svg

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Hey, how come Poland is listed on this map as 'illegal but often unenforced'? As a Polish person, I can assure you that the police here are notorious for destroying the lives of people over any amounts of weed, even 0.5g mixed with tobacco. Here is an example of the police investigating a man who had a permit for possession of medical cannabis (sic!):,3/policja-zarekwirowala-mezczyznie-medyczna-marihuane-polska-i-swiat,972694.html And on the other hand, how come UK is listed as 'illegal', but not 'illegal but often unenforced'? Absolutely no one cares in the UK, everyone smokes weed there and the police don't care either. In fact, the first time you get caught, they only take your weed away and smoke it themselves...well, the last part might be my imagination, but the fact still stands. This map is factually wrong, and the category 'illegal but often unenforced' should be removed altogether to avoid confusion

reply to (unsigned)^ poland/uk illegal/unenforced inconsistency ^: UK's currently (and for several years) been in a post-code lottery ( ) apparently solely in the hands of police cheifs (and councils? and courts?), with some places outspokenly defacto-decriminalised on one end (e.g. durham) ( ), and others still suffering under drug-war rhetoric (e.g. orkney) ( ), i gather from news and podcasts (though my examples are a little old ~ so do correct me on the details there ~~ back to the point...). there have always been these uneasy not-quite-fitting-any-of-the-categories states with this and the medical map. perhaps, if not going to break the consistent long running history of this map having the 4 categories (+ unknown/nodata) (and 2(+1) on medical), with new categories, like to signify post-code lotteries or other nuances and complexities, perhaps could start another map, like was done with medical, for how consistent the rules are across a country? perhaps split often to include a rarely and/or geographical/demographical? there are many ways, to both add categories, maps, and more, to help increase fidelity, for a clear simple effective way to increase factual accuracy and avoid confusion, but removing categories (at least without adding more and better) seems the wrong direction. if not making any such better-fidelity big changes... when some parts of a nation, unenforced, some parts illegal... is that better/safer/prudent to leave the map say illegal? --Digit146.200.58.151 (talk) 08:26, 11 April 2022 (UTC)[reply]